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Today I compared all of the stories I've written and my two Tankana ones have flopped while my Giyushino ones have gotten a surprising amount if reads.

I can't blame everyone on wattpad because I personally love Giyushino a lot more then Tankana.

However, this story is by far one of my favorites and it is quite sad that it doesn't have the attention that my other stories get. I am thankful to every person who has read and enjoyed my stories. :) <3

"Your right, I am Kanao Tsyuri. I was the Insect Hashira's tsguko. I don't use my coin anymore thanks to you." Kanao replied.

"I finally remember who you are. I only knew your name because Yushiro told me it." I smiled.

"Why did you not remember me?" Kanao asked.

"I don't remember anything Kanao. I
only remember you and Neuzko. I don't remember anything or anyone else. Muzan used that against me and convinced me I was human." I explained.

"What else did Muzan make you do?" She asked.

"For a good seven years I sat in the infinity castle doing nothing. I didn't even move. Muzan would live in my cells and often talk to me. I would sometimes see what the world was like through demons eyes. One day, Muzan told me the truth and I figured out how to get rid of all the muzan is my cells yet I still have his powers." I explained.

"Does that mean I'll die one day and you'll live forever, forever without me?" She replied.

"I don't know, Kanao but I'd do anything to die so I don't have to live an eternity with you and Nezuko." I said.

Kanao POV

"Does that mean I'll die one day and you'll live forever, forever without me?" I replied.

For some reason, it made me sad even though I had just started talking to Tanjiro. We weren't close or anything. I don't know why I felt this way.

"I don't know, Kanao but I'd do anything to die so I don't have to live an eternity with you and Nezuko." Tanjiro said.

His response reassured me and made happy. Knowing Tanjiro, he is true to his word and I'm sure he'll do something about it.

"I see." I smiled, "Why don't we go back to the demon slayer corps."

"The demon slayer corps?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yes, I'll take you to the demon slayer corps." I replied.

"If I'm not mistaken that the place where I used to be. I was told that I was one of them before. Do you think they'll accept me?" Tanjiro said.

"I'm sure they will." I responded, trying to reassure him.

Tanjiro POV

Kanao wants to take me to the demon slayer corps. The place in which I used to spend my past days.

I'm sure it's a nice place but what if they don't want to see me? What if they think I'm a monster just like Kanao does? What will happen there? Is it really ok for me to go?

"What if they don't?" I asked.

"Stop overthinking Tanjiro, nothing will happen." Kanao responded.

"I guess your right." I smiled.

If I have Kanao I'm sure everything will be fine.

"Let's go now." Kanao said.

"Why are we leaving so soon?" I asked.

"It's been a few hours since dawn and everyone will be worried if I haven't came back. Not to mention, the sooner we leave the sooner you'll see Nezuko." Kanao explained.

"Your right, let's say bye to Lady Tamayo and Yushiro then we'll take our leave." I said.

We said our goodbyes and left. We began to walk outside. I hadn't seen the outside much or atleast I didn't remember it. (Rip Muichiro you woud've loved memory loss Tanjiro)

The outside was filled with many things but it mostly had trees. The trees had all sorts of shapes and sizes and their heights were never the same.

I then looked up at the sky. To a normal person it was just the sky. However, ever since I became a demon I never had the chance to look at the sky.

I don't know what it was but something in the air made this all seem so beautiful.

"What are you looking at?" Kanao asked.

"I'm just enjoying being outside." I replied.

"I see. We should be arriving at the demon slayer corps soon." Kanao responded.

After a good twenty minutes of walking, we arrived at the demon slayer corps. It turned out Kanao had arranged a meeting with the head of the corps.

We went to the place where meeting usually happened and Kanao took a bow.

"Greetings master." She said.

"Greetings. You may not remember me Tanjiro but I am Master Ubayashki." Master Ubayashki replied.

"Greetings Master Ubayashki." I said responded taking a bow since I assumed it was the appropriate thing to do.

"If I'm correct, we are here to discuss Tanjiro's situation." Master Ubayashki said.

"I would like to apologise for all the people that were killed because of me. I have learnt to control my demons and they now live peacefully in the infinity castle. If they do try to kill anyone I kill them. I have also learnt to control my powers. I don'twant to harm your people and my only wish is to see Nezuko." I explained.

"I see Tanjiro. You haven't changed at all. I hope I can trust you." He replied.

"Master, I have one more request before I leave." Kanao said.

"What is it?" Master Ubayashki asked.

"Please do not inform anyone about Tanjiro until tommorow." She replied.

"I see, I will not inform anyone." He responded.

"We will take our leave now, bye." Kanao said.

"Bye." Master Ubayashki said.

Kanao then took me to the butterfly mansion. She told me that I used to train here and rest when I was injured. It is also where her and her sisters live.

The butterfly mansion was quite big.

"Wait here." Kanao said as she entered a room.

I could hear her talking to someone.

"Your back, Kanao. How was the mission?"

"It was good, but can you do me a favour Aoi?"

"What is it?"

"Call Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke here."

"I was talking to them earlier, they all have areas to patrol."

"It's really urgent. It's so urgent that I got Master Ubayashki to let them stop their duties and come here."

"I see, I'll call them here now."

Kanao then left the room.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"It was my sister Aoi." Kanao replied."Let's go somewhere because she doesn't know your here and I'm going to suprise everyone."

"I see." I said as I followed Kanao down the hall.

She took me to a room. It was her office. It had a few pictures on the wall. One of them was two girls one had short black hair and a butterfly clip. The other one had long black hair with two butterfly clips and she wore the same Haori as Kanao.

On her desk, was a few documents. It was quite organised. There wasn't any mess on her desk.

We took a seat and waited until everyone arrived.

Eventually, everyone came so I stepped outside with Kanao and I saw four people. They all seemed shocked by my presence.

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