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"You know a lot about me, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Lady Tamayo. I knew you from when you were a human. I helped you make a cure for Nezuko." Lady Tamayo explained.

"I see. I don't remeber you Lady Tamayo but I am deeply grateful that you were able to cure my sister. Is there any way I can pay you back?" I replied.

"Make sure Yushiro is safe." Tamayo responded. "After all of the people I killed I don't deserve to live happily with him. However, Yushiro has never killed anyone and deserves to lead a happy life." She explained.

"Are you sure? I don't know who Yushiro is but I'm sure he misses you." I responded.

"Your right Tanjiro, I'm sure Yushiro is at my old home where I have the equipment to make you human again. I will take you there and I'll also be able to meet Yushiro." She explained.

"Turn me into human?" I asked.

"Of course. There are many people who care about you and would do anything to see you again." Tamayo replied.

"But I'm the king of demons." I replied.

"Do you trust me Tanjiro?" She asked.

"I'm not sure, but I can smell a scent of truthfulness coming from you so yes I trust you." I replied.

Kanao POV

"I think we're almost here." Nezuko smiled.

"Me too." I replied.

We continued to walk until we arrived at an empty town. Despite being so big, it seemed as if no one lived here. I took a quick glance around and examined my surroundings.

"I think this village was abandoned." I said as I took a few more quick glances around.

"I wonder what happened here." Nezuko replied in curiosity.

"How should we investigate?" I asked.

"Let's split up." Nezuko suggested.

I was immediately reminded of what happend last time when I split up with Aoi and Inouske. I didn't think that it would be a good idea to split up with Nezuko.

"Are you sure? The demon could be anywhere so its better that we stay together." I replied.

"We'll be fine Kanao, we've done this many times." Nezuko said trying to convince me.

She eventually persuaded me so we both went our separate ways. I decided to look around to see if there were any people. I didn't want to be alone.

"Anyone there?" I asked.

No one responded. I continued to walk around. The village was nothing like I expected. I thought an abandoned village would have a few broken buildings or a few dead bodies. However, it was just a regular town. It was nothing like I had seen before.

As I walked around, I found a wall with a dead end. I realised that this was where Yushiro stayed.

I wondered why I had to come here instead of Yushiro patrolling this area. However, that thought left my head when I heard a sound.

I immediately ran.

"Hello there." A boy with red hair and a big scar on his forehead smiled.

"Tanjiro?" I asked in fear.

My body began to shake. I felt scared.

"There's a demon over there, It's hurting my sister. Please help me. Tanjiro explained.

Nothing he told me made sense. I could remeber the day he became a demon very vividly. I remeber him attacking Nezuko. Not to mention, that he was also the demon king. I knew that this was some sort of trap.

"What sort of joke is this? I remeber that day very vividly. You hurt Nezuko. You lost all of your emotions. Your not the Tanjiro I loved, your some monster." I replied as I lifted my sword.

"What day?" Tanjiro asked.

"Stop acting clueless. I'm going to kill you right now." I said.

"But that would make you the monster." Tanjiro replied. "I've done nothing wrong."

My body filled with rage as I began charging at him. I didn't like how he was acting so innocent. It irrated me to the point that I couldn't think straight.

I ran up to him and slashed his arm, causing it to fall off. To my suprise, he didn't not move one bit. He didn't regrow his arm or even try to attack me. He just stood there.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Tanjiro POV

I watched as she charged at me. She cut off my arm and made it seem ever so effortless. For someone who seemed blind in one eye, she was strong.

At that moment, I should've been worried about my arm but I could help but just stand and stare at her. I was so distracted by her that I had completely forgotten about Nezuko.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

I could usually pick up one or two emotions from people scents but she was different. Once she saw me, I began to smell a mix of different emotions like anger, sadness and rage. However, I could pick up the slightest scent of hope.

"Please trust me." I replied.

"How could I ever trust you after everything you've done." She responded.

"In that case, please help my sister. The demons aren't going to listen to their leader" I explained.

"Why would Nezuko need help? She's stronger than me." The girl asked.

Kanao POV

There wasn't any sense in what Tanjiro was saying. I wasn't going to trust him at all.

"In that case, I will take my leave." Tanjiro said as he walked off.

Your a monster but I still love you || Tankana || DKT AUWhere stories live. Discover now