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We all settled down for a bit in the butterfly mansion. I talked and laughed with Nezuko, Inosuke and Zenitsu.

"I have something to tell you." Nezuko said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Me and Zenitsu have been dating for two years now." Nezuko replied.

"Dating!?" I exclaimed.

"Yes." Nezuko replied.

I then look towards Zenitsu.

"Have you ever hurt my sister?" I asked.

"N-no." He replied.

"That's good." I smiled.

"Calm down, your creeping him out." Inosuke added.

"Do you love anyone?" Nezuko asked.

"I love everyone." I replied.

"Not in that sort of way." Zenitsu replied.

I then began to think. Was there anyone I liked? My mind was blank and empty. I had just gotten used to living a normal life. Is it to early for love?

"I don't really have anyone in mind. Plus, I'm too busy with my new life." I said.

Kanao's POV

I couldn't help but look at Tanjiro and listen to his conversation from afar. I had nothing better do. For some reason, hearing that Tanjiro wasn't inlove with anyone made me feel a bit relieved.

As I tried to continue listening to their conversation, someone appeared behind me. I got a bit scared until I realised it was Aoi.

"Is thatconversation interesting?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I said, feeling a bit startled.

"It's quite obvious that your listening to their conversation." Aoi replied.

"Your right but I had nothing better to do." I responded.

"Are you sure that's the reason?" Aoi asked.

"What other reason would there be?" I said.

"Maybe you like one of them." Aoi suggested.

"Of course I don't. Zenitsu is already taken and he's not really my type. I also don't like Inosuke. He's more of a sibling to me. Plus, I wouldn't try taking him away from you." I explained.

"You didn't have to say the last bit!" Aoi said. "Anyways, what about Tanjiro. You didn't mention him."

"Tanjiro is really kind and helpful. He's always been there for me and he helped me open up my heart. I owe him a lot and I don't know what I would do without him. I hope we can be together forever." I said.

"At this point your saying everything but I love him." Aoi replied.

"I don't think I love him though." I stated.

"That answer doesn't sound very certain." Aoi responded.

"How do I make it certain?" I asked.

"Listen to your heart." Aoi said.

And so I did. Atleast I tried to do. No matter what I did, there wasn't anything. I had completely forgotten what not having a voice in my heart felt like.

"I can't." I replied.

"It's completely fine, you'll just have to use your coin." Aoi responded.

"My coin?" I asked "But I've come so far and I'm sure Tanjiro would be sad and disappointed if he knew I used my coin."

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