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Yall I procrastinated writing this chapter for so long that my jaw dropped when i looked at the date when I published the last chapter

I don't want tbis story to end but I di at the same time because I cooked with the plot for my next one but I'm acc getting sad bc its the end of this story

This story is my fav one so far

"I'm going to do it." I said, mumbling to myself. "I must confess.".

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Just remember that we're here to cheer you on." Aoi said reassuring me.

Today was the day I was finally going to confess my love to Tanjiro. I stood outside the Kamado house. It was quite small and placed on the top of a mountain. It was Tanjiro and Nezuko's childhood home which they had moved into after Tanjiro became human.

Inosuke and Zenitsu also lived there. It seemed like a cheerful home. I knocked on the wooden door and patiently waited for someone to awnser it. After a few seconds, Tanjiro opened the door.

"Welcome!" He smiled.

I stood still for a few seconds just to admire his bright smile and amber eyes as he let us in.

"Thanks for inviting us." Aoi replied.

"It's no problem." Tanjiro said as we walked in.

"They're here!" Nezuko smiled as she held a plate of ongiri. "Make yourselves at home.".

"Is Inosuke here?" Aoi asked.

"He's making a fire somewhere near the mountain." Nezuko said "He'll be back soon."

"Your food is heavenly!" Zenitsu exclaimed to Nezuko as he grabbed one of the ongiri and stuffed his mouth.

"Save some for everyone else." She replied as she moved the plate away.

"They're here." Inosuke said as he walked in.

"Back so early?" Tanjiro, who was standing near the door, asked.

"Yes let's head to our campfire before something happens to the fire." Inosuke replied as he walked out.

We all followed him down the mountain. He walked alongside me and Aoi.

"Are you aware of what Kanao is going to do today." Aoi whispered to inosuke.

"What?" Inosuke asked.

"She's going to confess." She replied.

"Isn't she too young for a boyfriend." He replied.

"I'm in my 20's" I said, feeling a little annoyed.

Just then everyone began to run. I was following them until I tripped over something. It was a massive rock.

"Do you need help?" Tanjiro asked as he reached his arm out.

He smiled warmly. His amber eyes stared into mine. I felt so lucky just to be in his presence. It was like he had lit a spark within me.

"Uhm uhh." I stammered as he helped me up.

"Let's catch up to everyone else." He said as he grabbed my hand.

The way he grabbed my hand was so gentle. As we ran, I got butterflies in my stomach. My face felt warmer. I wanted this moment to last forever.

"We're almost overtaking them!" He exclaimed.

"That's not fair! Zenitsu yelled.

We got to the fire. It qas quite small but it was enough to keep us warm. I placed my cold hands over it. It made me feel cosy and relaxed.

Your a monster but I still love you || Tankana || DKT AUWhere stories live. Discover now