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"Is that Tanjiro?"

"Who said my name?" I asked myself.

No one replied.

Just then I saw a vivid image 3 people. One of them had long black hair which faded to orange. She had a brown Kimono and an outfit that seemed familiar. The girl standing next to me had a haori which was white but faded to green and then faded to pink. She was wearing the same outfit underneath it as the other girl. Next to them, was a boy who wore white clothes and had green hair. I could've sworn I've see  him before but I just don't know where.

Who are they?

Kanao's POV

It was late at night when I returned to the butterfly mansion. I was quite tired from that missio. I didn't really see the point of why I had to come. As I returned home, I saw Aoi working at the mansion.

"Why are you up so late?" I asked.

"A lot of injuries have happened lately so I have to work more." Aoi said in an exhausted voice.

"Let me help you." I replied as I took a tray out of her hand.

"Thank you Kanao." Aoi replied.

I took the tray to the kitchen and it was messy. Aoi must've had to cook a lot of food. There were plates and ingredients everywhere.

"Take some rest, I'll clean this up." I said.

"No, I'll help you. You just came back from a mission and you've been training Sumi, Naho and Kiyo a lot today." Aoi replied.

I had to admit. I was tired so I sighed and took some help.

We cleaned and talked a bit. I grabbed a few plates and began to wash them while Aoi got a brush and sweeped the kitchen floors until they were clean.

"One day we'll defeat the demon king and this place will become a house and not a hospital." I said as I scrubbed a plate clean.

"I hope so." Aoi said as she put away all the ingredients that she took out.

After a while, we were finally done cleaning. I head to my room and lay down in bed, staring at the ceiling in the dark. I couldn't help but think about the experiment.

The thought of it kept me up until late night. Why did that blue haired demon loose its arm and blood? Is it, Tanjiro as the demon king or is it Muzan Kibutsuji?

Tanjiro's POV

"Who are thoose people?" I asked.

"There no one important." Muzan said.

I decided to listen to Muzan since I knew no one else. I didn't quite understand what people and humans were. It was just like I opened my eyes one day and I was in this strange building with something inside my body controlling me.

Just then, I heard someone say my name again.

"What do you know about this Tanjiro?" The voice said.

I was curious so I looked through the eyes of the blue haired person and saw the same green haired guy from earlier.

"I don't know. When I saw the girl with the muzzle I immediately saw a guy with a black and green haori flash before my eyes. Is that Tanjiro?" The blue person explained.

"What else do you know?" The green hair person asked.

"I know nothing else!" The blue haired person said in fear.

Just then, something appeared in my mind. I don't know what was going on but I was outside a broken building with dead bodies everywhere. Was that me who was attacking the girl in the pink kimono? What was I doing there?

Was I being some sort of monster?

"What's going on?" I yelled.

"What's wrong Tanjiro?" Muzan asked in an unsettling voice.

"N-nothing." I said trying to hold myself together.

"That's good." Muzan smiled.

Kanao POV

*the next morning*

I woke up and got dressed and headed to the room where all the injured slayers were at.

They all seemed to be doing fine so I decided to start my day off by training. As I was training, two hashiras came up to me. It was Nezuko and Zenitsu.

"Hey Kanao!" Nezuko said.

"Oh hello to you both." I replied, "What are you doing here so early?".

"We don't have any missions today so we want to help the injured slayers train." Zenitsu explained.

"I see. I'll go check on who can train and who can't. " I responded.

I walked over to the room where the slayers were. Only one of them was awake. She had dark skin and brown hair.

"Are you able to train?" I asked the slayer.

"I think so." The slayer replied.

"Please go to the Sun and lightning hashira then." I said.

I then checked on the next slayer who had just woken up.

"Good morning." I said to the slayer.

He had tan skin and black hair which faded to red.

"Good morning." The slayer replied as he rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms.

"Do you think you can train." I asked.

"I'm not sure." The slayer replied.

"I think you should try recovery training." I said.

"I will." The slayer responded.

I then did this process until I had checked every slayer.

*Half an hour later*

"This is how you use a Katana." I explained.

"Am I doing it right?" Kiyo asked.

"Yes you are." I replied.

"I can't wait for final selection!" Naho exclaimed.

"I want you to try cutting this peice of wood." I said.


"I'm sorry, I have to leave. I will teach you guys when I get back." I said.

"It's ok!" Sumi, Naho, and Kiyo said.

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