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Mar POV:

I stepped out the shower, changed into my clothes and shit. Then walked into the living room.

I ain't really bring shit from home so I was in this random ass shirt and some sweats. When I walked into the living room, Don big head ass was sitting on the couch. He was just sitting on his phone, a McDonald's bag on his side.

He sucked his teeth when he heard me walk in. "Took ya ass long enough. Eat this damn food mane."

He held out the greasy bag with a mug on his face and I damn near leaped to grab it out his hands. I immediately dug my hand into the bag, pulling out a fist full of fries.

Don shook his head. "Fat ass nigga." He grumbled as he stood up. "I gotta go though. This nigga Jay been nagging the fuck outta me. You dirty my car though, yo ass gon be sleeping in the dirt." He rambled with a mug on his face.

I shrugged, following him as he left out the house and got into his car.

I made sure to the shut the car door with my greasy ass hands. I ain't really give no fucks, especially with his stank ass attitude. A nigga had some food, so nothing could ruin my mood.

He started the car as I dug deeper into the bag. It was my favorite order: a cheesburger, nuggets, and fries. How the fuck he remember all that. We barely had any money growing up, so course we wasn't in that bitch often. But whenever we did go, I always got the same thing.

So he did remember the past, ole lying ass nigga. If this his way of apologizing, it's kinda weak, but shit, I guess I'll accept it.

The car ride was mostly silent beside me chomping down. It wasn't awkward or nothing, we was just chilling with the radio on.

Until Don turned the radio down. I looked towards him, expecting him to say some. But he just sat there looking like he was thinking .

"When Lo get out? You said bout a couple days when we went up there a minute ago right?" He said finally, thinking aloud.

I shrugged. "Prolly so. I ain't been keeping track." I honestly ain't been thinking about Lo too much after being down here. I mean, that was the plan, but shit, since I been here, I been focused on Don big ass.

When I come to think about it, Lo stupid as fuck for getting caught up. He said niggas did a drive-by, which I mean you kinda can't expect. But nigga, if people is after you, why the fuck he ain't let nobody know? I wonder if he told Don some though. Them niggas is always tryna hide some.

"You know who shot Lo?" I blurted out.

He had to keep himself from laughing. I ain'tmean to be funny it was just on my mind.

"You a goofy ass nigga. But nah. I wasn't with em that day and he ain't been telling me shit either. Wish I knew though."

Then who the fuck could it be. Lo ain't really fuck with nobody, less it was Don or somebody at the trap.

"You think the niggas at the trap had some to do with it?"

He shrugged, his eyes still on the road. "Shit, maybe, but ion know nobody who had it out for Lo. If I knew some, none of this shit woulda happened in the first place."

I could tell he felt some type of way. His jaw was tight and that weird ass, cereal killer look came on his face. I reached out to pat his shoulder. Not on no gay shit this time, just want him to know I got his back. He ain't say nothing either way.

"It ain't ya fault though, remember that. Lo just always think he can handle shit by himself. Then wanna give dumb ass speeches when a nigga just tryna look out for em." I scoffed.

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