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The drive with Don was pretty quiet. He turned on the radio, but we ain't speak the whole ride.

It was weird cause when we was younger, I could tell you whenever his mood changed. If he was sad there were no popsicles left, if he was mad I wouldn't give him a hug. I knew off bat, but now, it was like he didn't want nobody to know what he was thinking.

When I think more about it, it don't sit right with me. We was best friends, did everything together, knew everything about one another. But now there's this wall or something. I mean, I guess we did change from being kids or whatever, but shit, I ain't think what we meant to each other was gon switch up. Guess I was wrong tho.

So when he pulled up to the hospital and neither of us moved, I still ain't know what he was thinking. Did he feel some type of way about hospitals or was he just tryna kick me out and not be rude bout it?

"You go in. I uh got some to do." He spoke eventually, his voice barely above a whisper.

I least know when he get quiet and try to dodge questions and shit, it's obviously something wrong, he just ain't wanna say. At this point, I was starting to get pissed off. Why you holding back on me? Thought we was deeper than that.

"Don, stop with the lying. I keep tryna let shit slide, but now you bout to piss me off." I was tryna watch my tone, but it was obvious I was getting irritated.

He sucked his teeth. "Mar, I'm good. Ion know what you talking bout."

"Look, I'm tryna be nice. Talk to me." I said softly.

It went silent for a while. Guess he was tryna think of what to say next.

My thing is, it's crazy how I gotta beg who I thought was my best friend to be honest with me. I see if I was tryna use it against em or if we wasn't close, but it's none of that. I just wanna now how he feeling cause I care about a nigga. That's it.

"It ain't nothing, Mar." He spoke up. "Just go see yo brother. He prolly missed you and shit, just like I did." He mumbled the last part, but of course I still heard.

So you missing niggas now? That's a start at letting me know how you feel, so I'll take it for now.

"You missed me?" I repeated, tryna see if I could get a reaction outta em.

"Mar, go in the damn building, man." He grunted out.

I sucked my teeth. Oh so he wanna be stubborn, that's ight. I got som for em then.

"Well, Donnie, I missed you too." I said sweetly. Quickly, I grabbed his hand and pressed a kiss at his knuckles.

"And we gon talk about this attitude when I get back." I rushed out, almost tripping to get out the door before he could react.

It would be funny as hell to see the look on his face, but he prolly was gon beat my ass. Funny thing is I would do shit like that all the time when we was kids. Kiss his cheek, his shoulder, his hand. And he would eat it up with all the giggles and blushing and shit. We was even each other first kiss.

I guess that was only memories now though.

Took me a minute to realize I was still standing in the parking lot. Somebody smart shoulda just run me over, cause I'm outta of it today.

I kept walking til I was at the entrance of the hospital. Fuck, this felt so real. Let me just get it over with.

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