Chapter 6: Tea Party

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Before I could exit the hall, a maid approached me.

"Lady Vancourt, you have been invited to have tea with Her Majesty the Queen," she said, her voice steady and professional. The invitation was unexpected, yet I figured I couldn't just say no.

Well, guess my time at the palace isn't over yet, I thought to myself, as I followed the maid through the palace's ornate corridors. The journey felt surreal, walking through such opulence, each painting and portrait whispering tales of Florabelle's past glories and silent tragedies. The anticipation built with each step, not just for the tea but for the conversation that awaited. What could the Queen possibly want with me?

The tea room was a marvel of elegance, sunlight filtering through large windows, illuminating the intricate patterns on the fine china and the array of pastry carts. The Queen herself exuded a serene authority, her gaze both beautiful and piercing.

"My, if it isn't the talk of the kingdom. I'm delighted you could join me." The queen had a calm and mature-like quality to her, yet she maintained an air of youthfulness.

"It's an honor to be here, Your Majesty," I responded, bowing fully. "I am Evelyn Vancourt."

"This is unofficial business, no need to be so formal," The Queen smiled warmly, easing the formality of the atmosphere. "Go ahead and have a seat, we have plenty of pastries."

I took the offered seat, marveling at the spread before me. The pastries were as varied as they were exquisite, each one a culinary masterpiece.

"Mmm looky here: the sticky toffee pudding," The Queen reached for one of the pastries, her movements graceful and deliberate. She held up a piece of the sticky toffee pudding, its rich caramel glaze catching the light. "This pudding," she began, her voice imbued with a hint of playfulness, "is much like yourself, Lady Vancourt."

I raised an eyebrow, confused about where this comparison was heading.

"It appears simple at first glance," the Queen continued, "but beneath the surface lies a complexity of flavors, each bite revealing depth and a richness that surprises and delights. Not unlike the way your demonstration at the academy revealed depths of power and potential no one expected."

Her analogy drew an awkward chuckle from me. "I suppose that's one way to look at it."

The Queen smiled, placing the pastry back on her plate. "Did you know traditional recipes call for Demerara sugar? You may not have heard of it but it's a partially raw brown sugar that gives it a subtle molasses flavor."

I couldn't help but wince, was this tea party about me or the pastries?

She took another delicate bite of the sticky toffee pudding, her appreciation for the dessert evident in her expression. The moment was quiet, the only sound was the soft clink of china and subtle moans of delight.

As the Queen feasted deeper into our assortment of pastries, a maid entered, carrying a tray adorned with a new variety of exquisite desserts. She moved with a grace that seemed in perfect harmony with the ornate surroundings of the tea room, placing the tray on the table with care.

The Queen glanced up from her tea, a smile playing on her lips as she surveyed the fresh offerings. "Thank you, my dear," she said with a warmth that belied the authority in her voice. Then, with a more casual, almost conspiratorial tone, she added, "Now, would you be so kind as to give us some privacy? We wouldn't want to be disturbed with more... distractions."

She immediately made sharp eye contact with me before playfully commenting. "It seems we are truly indulged for choice today."

As the maid nodded, a hint of a fear flashed on her face at the Queen's gentle warning, and quickly made her exit, closing the door softly behind her.

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