Interlude 2: Emily Koster

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Life at the academy came smoothly to Emily Koster. Born as the daughter of a powerful Duke she had always moved in the highest circles of society, her path seemingly paved with gold. Yet, beneath the surface, Emily's life was anything but simple. The academy, with its blend of magic, politics, and youthful ambition, provided a backdrop against which Emily's deeper obsessions and insecurities played out.

Emily's infatuation with Prince Cornelius was not a secret, at least not to her. She saw in him a kindred spirit, someone whose noble birth and responsibilities mirrored her own. Yet, the prince remained oblivious to her affections, his attention scattered among his royal duties and the myriad other students vying for his notice. This did not deter Emily; if anything, it only fueled her resolve.

Determined to draw closer to Cornelius, Emily took to shadowing him, albeit discreetly. She memorized his schedule, familiarized herself with his preferences, and even went so far as to subtly influence events at the academy to ensure their paths would cross. These weren't the actions of a stalker, she told herself, but those of a woman in love, doing what was necessary to capture the heart of the man she desired.

Her room became a command center of sorts for this endeavor. Hidden from view were maps of the academy and its surrounding locales, each annotated with times and dates noting Cornelius's known whereabouts. Lists of his favorite foods, books, and even casual remarks he'd made were cataloged meticulously in journals that Emily kept hidden under her bed.

Were these signs of an unhealthy obsession? Perhaps, but more so a reflection of Emily's intense determination and focus. In her mind, every detail, every piece of information, brought her one step closer to Cornelius, to a future she had envisioned with him at her side.

But it was at the academy's gala that Emily saw her opportunity to truly shine. Dressed in a gown that shimmered like the night sky and scented with Eldoria's most enchanting perfume, she aimed to draw Cornelius's attention. She had danced with him at past events, moments she cherished and hoped to recreate. As she moved through the crowd, her gaze was fixed on Cornelius, watching as he navigated the crowd of admirers and dignitaries with polite detachment.

Seizing a moment when Cornelius was momentarily alone, Emily glided through the crowd towards him, her heart set on asking him for a dance. This, she believed, could be the pivotal moment that would finally bring them closer, a chance to show him the depth of her affection and, perhaps, kindle in him a similar feeling.

Yet, as she neared, her steps faltered. From the edge of the grand hall, like a scene from a fairytale, Lydian emerged. She was clad in a simple gown yet, she moved with a grace that seemed to draw every eye to her, including, to Emily's dismay, Prince Cornelius's.

The prince's face lit up with a warmth Emily had never been on the receiving end of, and he quickly made his way over to Lydian, his earlier detachment forgotten. They exchanged a few words, laughter mingling with the music filling the hall, before Cornelius offered his hand to Lydian, inviting her to dance.

Emily watched, her heart sinking, as they took to the dance floor, their movements in perfect harmony. The sight was a stark reminder of the reality Emily had been trying to ignore: no matter how much she shadowed Cornelius, no matter how many schedules she memorized or how enchanting her perfume was, his attention was effortlessly captured by Lydian, the main protagonist in their unfolding drama.

Fury and humiliation coursed through Emily as she retreated into the shadows of her dorm hall. Her carefully laid plans, her hopes and dreams for the evening, had been dashed in an instant by Lydian's mere presence. The unfairness of it all, the feeling of being sidelined in her own story, dampened the fire within her.

As Emily sat on the cold floor of her dorm hall, the shadows seemed to loom larger, mirroring the turmoil within her. Her hands covered her face as she tried to stifle the sobs that threatened to escape. The elegant dress that had once shimmered with promise now felt like a mocking reminder of her defeat. In this moment of vulnerability, the facade of the untouchable Emily Koster, daughter of a powerful Duke, was stripped away, leaving behind a girl grappling with rejection and heartache.

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