Interlude 3: Ethan Verreault

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The ball had ended, leaving Ethan with a lingering sense of what could have been—a night of unspoken words and missed connections. As he wandered through the academy's deserted corridors, his thoughts lingered on the dance he and Evelyn had shared, meant to be a gentle nudge towards something deeper, but instead, it ended with his feelings shrouded in silence.

The next day, Evelyn approached with a bright smile, seemingly unaware of the emotional storm she had stirred within him. She proposed spending part of the summer together, exploring Florabelle's landmarks or enjoying local festivals. Her invitation was unexpected and friendly, but to Ethan, it underscored the emotional distance he felt.

"I... I think I need to spend the summer focused on my training," Ethan had responded, his voice firmer than he felt. "There's a lot I need to work on, skills I need to master."

"Is this about the tournament match... like I said it wasn't—"

Before she could finish Ethan quickly dismissed her concerns, cutting in with a shake of his head. "No, Evelyn, it's not just about the match. It's more than that. I need this time to grow, to build myself up in ways I've neglected."

While the defeat wasn't the main reason for his resolve, it only emphasized the gaps he perceived in his abilities. It was a humbling moment that solidified his decision.

Evelyn paused, her expression shifting from worry to a deeper, more pensive understanding. "Okay, I get that. See you in the second year," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness but also respect for his decision.

The conversation had ended there, with a brief, somewhat awkward farewell. Ethan watched her walk away, her figure receding into the distance, and felt a thump of regret. Had he been too abrupt? Too dismissive of the opportunity to spend time with her outside the academy?

No, he couldn't stand being in her shadow—not when his feelings were this strong. The summer would be his time to level the playing field, to come back as someone who wasn't a mere friend but could see her eye to eye... perhaps become something more.

Over the summer, Ethan trained relentlessly. Each morning, he ventured to the ancient labyrinth near the academy, a place rumored to test and hone the abilities of those daring enough to enter. His daily visits became a routine, and the guard at the labyrinth's entrance, an older gentleman named Gaius, eventually took notice.

"You've been coming here often. Every day, in fact," Gaius remarked, leaning on the rocky entrance. "What drives a young man to push himself so hard?"

Ethan stopped, considering the weight of the question. He glanced towards the labyrinth's dark, twisting paths, then back at Gaius. "I need to be better," he partly confessed, hoping his vague answer would suffice.

"Oh? Is it a rival? Or perhaps to show off to a special someone?"

Ethan gave a half-smile, reluctant to reveal too much, yet feeling the need to answer honestly. "Something like that," he admitted. "There's someone I want to stand equal with, not just in skill but in all aspects."

Gaius's eyes narrowed slightly, understanding more than Ethan intended to convey. As Ethan turned to enter the labyrinth, Gaius extended his long pike across the entrance, blocking his path momentarily. Ethan paused, looking at Gaius with a bit of surprise and impatience.

"Listen carefully, lad," Gaius said, his voice dropping to a gruff, serious tone. "It's good to have someone to push you beyond your limits. But, power never made a man greater, only more capable.

Ethan nodded, absorbing the advice with a mix of agreement and skepticism, before plunging into the shadows of the labyrinth.


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