Chapter 16: Tournament Prelude

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The silence of the library was broken by the soft footsteps of Ethan's approach, his arrival coming just moments after Lydian's departure. Clutched in his hands was a small box, its wrapping elegant and understated. A hint of shyness tinged his usual self, manifesting in the slight hesitation before he offered me the box.

"Umm... These are from the queen," he murmured, his eyes briefly meeting mine before looking away. "She thought you'd appreciate them."

"From the queen directly?" I asked, surprised.

Opening the box revealed sweets... not very surprising considering the tea party we had shared together.

"Ahh well my parents are away at court this season," Ethan explained, his voice softening with a touch of nostalgia. "The queen mentioned you during their discussions, and she insisted I bring these... something about encouraging camaraderie among the queen's favorites."

I took one of the chocolates, appreciating the gesture but still a bit puzzled. "Well, tell her I said thank you," I responded, popping the sweet into my mouth. The rich, velvety chocolate melted instantly, a reminder of the palace's choice ingredients.

Ethan watched with a small smile, then shifted the topic. "Speaking of the queen and her initiatives," he began, pulling a folded poster from his pocket. "There's this event—"

He unfolded the poster to reveal the bold, colorful print of the academy's upcoming grand tournament. The event seemed just as it was in-game, a one-on-one tournament meant to test a student's combat ability against fellow peers.

I further scanned the poster, remembering the event's significance in the game - it was Lydian's triumph, a critical juncture in her story. "Lydian wins this in the game," I whispered to myself, the weight of the decision to participate hanging in the air.

"Were you planning on joining Ethan?" I asked, still pondering the implications of stepping into a role that wasn't mine in the scripted world of the game.

Ethan looked uneasy, "Well I was thinking... maybe I shouldn't join. It doesn't feel right somehow."

"Really? I figured you would be perfect for it, considering how much you've improved lately," I countered, trying to encourage him. The thought of Ethan stepping back from such an opportunity seemed contrary to the growth he had been striving towards.

"The point of the event is to showcase a person's ability, in the hope of being recognized, possibly recruited into the military as a lieutenant or higher," he elaborated, looking genuinely conflicted. "But I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of commitment or exposure."

"Wasn't that a part of your dream though? Seems like a fast track to fulfilling your family's expectations as a strategic genius." I encouraged him further, seeing the flicker of doubt wane. "Plus, it could be a stepping stone for greater things, Ethan. Leadership, strategy, overcoming personal barriers—this tournament could be the platform you need."

Ethan paused, his expression thoughtful as the weight of my words settled between us. Silence stretched, a contemplative quiet that filled the library's grand spaces. His eyes, usually quick with a response, reflected the internal debate waging within him.

"Well I won't pressure you, but I just thought it would be a waste..." My voice softened, trying to cushion the push with understanding.

"Well... what about you Evelyn, will you participate?"

"Me? Umm..." His question caught me off guard, almost making me scoff a bit. "I don't think they'd let me participate... you know, my level 100 status?"

That of course was my excuse, I knew if I entered I would inevitably take the spotlight away from the protagonist.

"Oh, well that sounds about right..." Ethan trailed off, then took a deep breath, as if deciding something important. "You know what? Maybe it's time I step up, not just for the recognition, but to actually test myself. To push my limits."

His determination seemed to solidify with each word, and I could see the resolve forming. "I'll do it," he finally declared. "I'll participate in the tournament. If it's about growth and pushing boundaries, then it's worth it. And who knows? It might even be fun."

I smiled, feeling a surge of pride for him. "See, that's the spirit, Ethan. I'll be there to support you. And who knows, maybe your bravery will inspire others to step out of their comfort zones too."

"You're so encouraging Evelyn... you always know what to say." Ethan blushed slightly, the corners of his lips tugging upward in a shy smile.

Hearing Ethan say that to me made me blush slightly, No one had ever given me a compliment like that in my old world. Perhaps Life with a friend wasn't so bad after all.

"You make it easy to be supportive... Now, let's grab a snack and keep up with your training. We've got a tournament to prepare for, after all."

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