Interlude 1: King/Queen

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Authors note: Interlude chapters should NOT be skipped since they are a key part of the story. I call them Interlude chapters because I wanted to shift to third person POV to provide a broader perspective and deeper understanding of the world and characters that isn't possible through the main character's eyes alone.

King Mandus, on the palace balcony, watched the twilight descending over Florabelle. Beneath him, the city's subtle sounds were intermingled with the rustling of the leaves, thus creating an image of reverence for his kingdom. He leaned forward and rested his arms on one of the cool marble boulders, his voice filled with amazement and worry.

"Such power... it's almost divine, isn't it?"

Beside him, Queen Althea, wrapped snugly in her shawl, followed his gaze out over the darkening city. "My, if such a deity existed they would have surely sought destruction of humanity," she then paused, reflecting on a darker legend.

"It recalls the era of the Demon King, whose malevolent forces once swept through our lands like a plague. This is why we must remain ever vigilant."

King Mandus nodded slowly, weighing her words. "You're concerned, then, that she might follow a similar path?"

"Not necessarily," Althea responded, her tone careful yet optimistic. "Evelyn has shown no malice or ambition that mirrors the darkness of those days. Her actions, while extraordinarily powerful, have not been destructive without cause. In fact, her restraint has been notable."

Mandus turned to face her fully, intrigued by her perspective. "So, you believe her intentions are pure?"

"I do," Althea affirmed, her gaze steady.

"You're are probably right... I offered her the world, she rejected."

King Mandus had planned to monopolize her by providing her with anything she desired, but his offer was declined. Nonetheless, the King harbored no regrets over this outcome. After all, an alliance forged from greed is often undone by the same. This was a lesson the king and queen had learned well from their dealings with the crafty aristocracy of Florabelle.

Queen Althea's expression softened, a glimmer of respect appearing in her eyes. "Such humility in one so powerful indeed makes her an enigma," she observed, her voice carrying a shared understanding borne of years navigating the treacherous waters of Florabelle's politics. "Have we learned more from the background investigation you ordered?"

King Mandus's expression tightened—a necessary invasion of privacy, he felt, but essential for their security. "Understanding who we are dealing with was crucial," he explained, handing her a detailed report on Evelyn's isolated upbringing and the obscure Vancourt lineage.

Accepting the report with a nod, Queen Althea's discomfort was evident, yet tempered by necessity. "The Vancourts, a family seldom mentioned in our courts," she mused, her finger tracing the edge of the parchment thoughtfully.

"Yes, and now seemingly vanished," King Mandus added, watching her reaction. "I propose we place someone loyal within the academy's administration to monitor her more closely."

Queen Althea looked up, her initial shock giving way to strategic consideration. "While distasteful, it's perhaps warranted. Evelyn's powers could attract dangerous schemes from within and beyond our borders."

Nodding in agreement, Mandus added, "We must protect Florabelle while respecting her autonomy—a delicate balance indeed."

"Let us proceed with discretion, and not forget the individual at the heart of this storm," Queen Althea concurred, her gaze returning to the horizon. "We will protect Florabelle and guide Evelyn. May our actions reflect the wisdom and compassion necessary for both."

Their conversation, rich with the weight of rulership and the nuances of governance, lingered in the air as night fell. Both understood the gravity of their decisions, the complex dance of power, protection, and privacy.

As they concluded, Queen Althea affirmed, her voice steady, "We shall navigate these waters with care, ensuring that our protective measures do not overshadow our humanity."

With that, the royal couple retreated from the balcony, their silhouettes merging with the shadows of the palace, prepared to face the intricate web of governance and guardianship that lay ahead.

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