Chapter 21: The Ball

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"Miss Evelyn! The end-of-year ball is coming soon... You have any plans for it?" Emily's voice rang out, as she approached me outside of class.

"Umm well, can't say I'm really into that sort of thing."

Emily's eyes widened in mock horror, and she gave a dramatic gasp. "Not into it? Even though I'm going to be in it!" Her enthusiasm was highly infectious, but I remained hesitant.

In my past life, any social gathering involving formal wear and a large crowd was a definite no-go for me, and some old habits are hard to shake. Still, seeing Emily's excitement made it harder to dismiss outright.

"I know it's a big deal here, but what's really in it for me?"

"Like I said, I am going to be in it! And I'm not just attending, I'm also one of the organizers! This is the perfect opportunity for you to show some school spirit."

So that's why she's recruiting me... All this for school spirit seemed a bit much, but Emily was relentless in her enthusiasm.

"And think of the dancing!" Emily twirled on the spot, her arms sweeping through the air as if she were already on the dance floor. "You could learn some steps, have some fun. Plus Ethan is a pro at dancing, he could definitely teach you some things.

"Hold on what do you mean with Ethan?"

It kind of surprised me that his name was mentioned so casually, almost as if it was already decided for me.

"Oh, are you two not close? From what I noticed you two go together like cinnamon and sugar!" Emily winked playfully, clearly enjoying the role of matchmaker.

I raised an eyebrow, both amused and slightly taken aback by her analogy. "Ethan and I are friends, yes, but I wouldn't say we're quite like cinnamon and sugar."

"But you could be!" Emily pressed, her voice bubbling with excitement. "Ethan has been looking forward to the ball, especially the dancing part. He even mentioned he didn't have a dance partner yet. It's perfect timing, don't you think?"

The idea seemed far-fetched, yet the thought of dancing with Ethan wasn't unappealing. His steady nature had always made me feel more grounded, more present. Maybe dancing wouldn't be so bad after all if it was with him. Still, the thought made my heart race for reasons I couldn't quite understand.

"Maybe... But I don't even have a proper dress," I admitted, feeling a hint of nerves and curiosity at the idea. Thinking about it, my collection of anything nice was quite limited. School uniforms and practical training gear made up most of my wardrobe here.

"Will school uniforms be allowed?"

"Mabe if you wanna look like you're attending a magical military drill," Emily chuckled, her tone playful yet pointed. "Don't worry, I've got you covered. I have a few dresses that would look stunning on you. You'll have the perfect outfit for the ball."

"Your dresses?" I was both curious and a little wary. "Are you sure they'll fit?"

Emily nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! We're about the same size, and I have a dress that's perfect for you. It's elegant, simple, and totally your style."

The thought of wearing a dress that wasn't chosen by me was a bit daunting, but Emily's confidence was reassuring. "Okay, if you think it'll work, I'll give it a try. But I'm not making any promises about the dancing."

"That's all I'm asking!" Emily clapped her hands in excitement. "And about the dancing—don't worry. Ethan is a great leader, he'll guide you through it. It's going to be so much fun, you'll see."

The bell rang, signaling the end of our break and the start of the next class. We parted ways, Emily to her group project meeting and me to my Advanced Potions class. As I walked away, the idea of the upcoming ball started to settle in. A night of music, dance, and maybe a bit of magic—despite my reservations, it was becoming something I was looking forward to experiencing.


After a few weeks, the evening of the ball finally arrived. The academy had been transformed into an ethereal venue with twinkling lights and elegant decor that seemed to lift the historical halls into a fairytale realm. Students and faculty mingled in their finest attire, the air filled with excitement and perfume.

Eyes were drawn to me as I entered, the dress Emily had lent me fitting better than I expected. It was a deep blue, embroidered with silver threads that caught the light as I moved, creating a shimmering effect. As I hesitantly stepped into the grand ballroom, I could feel the curious glances of my peers.

Ahead of me was Emily, her dress a vivid swirl of colors that made her nearly impossible to miss in the crowd. She waved energetically when she saw me, beckoning me over.

Ethan was with her, looking dashing in a tailored suit that complemented the subtle elegance of my own outfit. He offered a warm, inviting smile as I approached, clearly pleased to see me in the festive atmosphere.

"You look amazing, Evelyn," Emily chimed in as I reached them, her eyes sparkling with genuine admiration. "Told you that dress was a winner!"

"Thanks to you," I replied, feeling a touch more confident with their support. "I must admit, it feels different than I expected. Almost like I belong here."

"That's because you do belong here," Ethan added softly, his tone sincere. He extended his hand to me, a silent invitation to join him on the dance floor. "Shall we start those dance lessons?"

"I'll go somewhere else... maybe I'll go see if the prince is free. But, have fun you two" Emily smiled mischievously before leaving us to navigate the crowded ballroom on our own.

Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand in his, allowing him to lead me toward the center of the ballroom. The music, a slow, melodious tune perfect for pairs, filled the air around us. With Ethan's guidance, I found the rhythm, and my initial hesitation faded away as we moved in sync with the melody.

As we danced, the room seemed to spin slightly slower, and the crowd's whispers turned into a gentle murmur in the background. It was a moment of tranquility amid the swirl of activity—a moment just for us.

"You're a quick learner," Ethan noted, his voice barely above the music. "I think you might even be enjoying this."

"I am," I confessed, surprised by my own admission. "It's not just the dancing... it's sharing this moment with everyone. With you."

Have Ethan do something that gets misinterpreted by Evelyn and he gets subtly disappointed by her obliviousness to love.

Ethan's smile flickered, a shadow crossing his eyes for just a moment as if bracing for something. "That means a lot to me, Evelyn." As the song neared its end, he hesitated before pulling us a bit closer, his voice lowering to a near whisper. "You know, I wanted to let you know something, when I say this I mean no pressure."

"Oh is it about my sweaty hands? I mean I'm not used to all this." I chuckled, completely missing the deeper implication of his words.

There was a brief pause, a hesitation where the joy in his eyes dimmed. "Yeah, it's all good, just enjoy the moment," he replied, his voice steady yet somehow distant.

As the music swelled to a close, applause washed over us, and we parted. Ethan offered a smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes as it had before; it was tinged with a quiet resignation. He murmured something about needing some air and drifted away through the crowd.

Left standing amid the laughter and swirling dancers, a nagging thought tugged at me. Had I just missed something crucial in Ethan's words? The festive atmosphere, bright and loud, swept my doubts under the carpet of celebration, yet the question lingered, unvoiced and unresolved.

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