Chapter 18: Ethan's Fight

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The roar of the crowd swelled as I stepped into the center of the arena, each cheer echoing like the relentless waves of the ocean. At the edge, I could see Evelyn standing, her gaze locked on mine, radiating concern and encouragement.

Every insecurity I had seemed to melt at her presence, turning the jitters of anticipation into a focused calm. This wasn't just another match; it was the culmination of all our hard work, and somewhere deep inside, I felt I owed her the victory.

"This one's for you Evelyn," I whispered, outstretching my sword, catching the last glints of the setting sun on its blade—a silent promise amid the overwhelming noise.

Prince Cornelius advanced with a smirk and poise that came from a lifetime of royal training. It was almost taunting me, knowing the odds were in his favor.

"Ethan Verreault... It's not too late to back out now. Or would that be too disgraceful for the Verreault name?" Cornelius taunted with a sly smirk.

"There was never any intention to withdraw, Your Highness," I replied, steadying my voice.

"In any case, a defeat at my hands would still damage your name, perhaps even worse... How would your family see it?"

His words, meant to unnerve, instead sharpened my focus. Cornelius began to circle me slowly, his sword ready, each step calculated to maintain just the right distance to strike or defend.

"I don't really mind my pride, maybe at some point I did... I let it cripple me with anxiety... But Evelyn made me realize that there's more to life than just winning or losing. It's about walking away a better person," I continued, matching his circling with equal caution.

"Interesting sentiments... I've noticed you and Evelyn together lately... tell me, what do you see in that level 100 monster?"

His use of 'monster'—a derogatory term used by many at the academy stuck to Evelyn due to her prowess—was meant to provoke. I gripped my sword tighter, not out of anger, but to remind myself of the resolve it symbolized.

"What I see in Evelyn," I began, keeping my eyes fixed on his, "is not what you're trying to imply. She is strong, yes, but it's her courage, her intelligence, and her heart that set her apart. She inspires me to be better, not just in combat, but as a person."

Cornelius scoffed, spinning his sword in an elaborate flourish before pointing it at me again. "Ever wonder where or how she got that power? I won't accept her, not when she's overshadowed my royal dignity!"

While it was true her power had mysterious origins, it never detracted from who she was as a person. "Her power isn't what defines her, Cornelius. It's her actions, her choices... that's what makes Evelyn who she is," I responded firmly.

As he processed my words, Cornelius's face twisted with anger and resolve. His movements were swift and calculated, but they carried a desperation, a need to assert his superiority not just over me, but over the ideas Evelyn represented.

The battle intensified as Prince Cornelius's aggression became more pronounced, his strikes sharp and relentless, each one meant to end the duel. The crowd's cheers turned into a continuous rumble, their excitement peaking as the prince pushed me back with his superior skill and strength.

Suddenly, seizing a brief lapse in his defense, I surged forward. My blade met his with a resonant clang, drawing gasps from the spectators. I pressed Cornelius back, step by step, his surprise fueling my brief surge of hope.

But his experience and cunning quickly reasserted itself. With a strong parry, Cornelius twisted his blade to lock mine and forced me back, his confidence visibly growing.

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