Chapter 9: Accusations

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As I sat in the bustling academy dining hall, savoring my lunch, I noticed Lydian, the story's main protagonist, making her way towards me. Her concerned rabbit-like face furrowed up adorably with each step she took in her march toward me.

When she reached my table, she slammed her hands down, her voice rising. "Are you the demon king!?"

I nearly choked on my food at her blunt question, my eyes widening in disbelief. The entire hall fell silent, all eyes on us.

How did she know about the demon king? Could she have been isekai'd into this world with knowledge of the game, just like me?

The Demon King's future revival was a secret known only to the royal family at this point. Given the public setting, I feigned ignorance.

"The demon king? What are you talking about, Lydian?"

"You know what I mean, Cornelius told me about the demon king's resurrection in three years."

So, Cornelius had blabbed? His careless sharing of such a guarded secret irritated me deeply.

"And he said I was the demon king?" I probed.

"Well not exactly... but I can just tell. You're the demon king right?" Her gaze was searching, desperate for the truth.

The dining hall buzzed with whispers. I realized that a direct denial in this charged atmosphere might only stoke more rumors. Instead, I chose a logical approach.

"Listen Lydian, this so-called resurrection isn't until three years from now, right? Do you even have definitive proof of me being the demon king?" I questioned calmly.

Lydian hesitated, her conviction wavering under the weight of logic. "Well, no, but... your magic, your black hair color... it's just different."

"Those two qualities were something I was born with, I didn't have control over them. Or perhaps you're implying I was born evil?"

Lydian's face paled, perhaps because of her righteous nature she couldn't come up with an appropriate response.

"Well... umm maybe you'll become evil in the future?" she suggested weakly, clearly grasping at straws.

"If that's the case perhaps we should kill infants who have black hair. That seems to be what you're implying," I retorted, my tone laced with sarcasm to highlight the absurdity of her logic.

Lydian recoiled as if struck, her eyes brimming with tears at my harsh words. "I... I didn't mean..." she stammered, her voice breaking, clearly struggling to hold back her emotions.

Before I could soften my tone, the trio of love interests burst into the hall. Alex, always the hothead, zeroed in on Lydian's distress. "Hey! What's happening here? Why is Lydian crying?" he demanded, his concern laced with anger.

"Are you okay Lydian?" Adrian kneeled down to console her.

"She was making preposterous claims, saying that the demon king would be resurrected in three years and that I might somehow be the demon king," I explained.

This was a chance for the stupid prince to take back his claim and make this all a hoax. He should know better than to leak such crucial information carelessly.

"What she said was the truth. The demon king will be resurrected in three years!" He shouted, causing an uproar in the dining hall.

I should never have expected discretion from Cornelius. Adrian and Alex appeared to be unfazed by the information, likely having been told this secret beforehand.

"It's pretty obvious you are the demon king himself. As a member of the royal Heinrich family, I won't let you have your way!" Cornelius declared, pointing his finger at me.

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