Chapter 17: Tournament

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After a few weeks of training with Ethan, the day of the tournament finally arrived. The crisp morning air buzzed with excitement as students from all grades and powerful aristocrats gathered at the academy's vast arena, adorned with banners and flags representing various houses.

From my seat, I could spot General Elric among other high-ranking military officials in the stands. Interestingly, there was no sign of the king or queen, though their attendance was expected at such a high-profile event. Perhaps they were detained by other royal duties.

As the participants lined up, their emotions varied visibly; some looked visibly nervous, while others displayed a calm confidence. Next to me, Ethan exuded a mix of calm and simmering intensity. He caught my eye with a determined look, silently communicating his readiness to face the challenges ahead.

"Feeling anxious?" I asked, noting his tense posture and tightly clutched hands.

"Just trying to keep it together," Ethan confessed, giving a slight chuckle. "You know, the usual pre-game jitters."

"That seems natural," I remarked. "Did you check the roster? I'm pretty sure I saw Lydian, and the prince, as well as the rest of the harem."

"Harem?" Ethan asked, his eyebrows arching slightly in confusion.

I forgot that term didn't exist outside of the game's context.

Ethan glanced at the thick pamphlet in his hand, flipping to the page with the participant list. "But yeah, they're all here," he confirmed. "The prince is in the swordsman division with me, same for Alex."

"The tournament format will be single elimination, divided into two divisions," the announcer's voice boomed through the arena, explaining the rules and the structure of the competition. "Eliminations will be determined by either a knockout or disarming the opponent. Final call contestants, please come forward!"

"Hear that? Final call Ethan, no more hiding behind me," I teased, giving him a gentle elbow nudge.

Ethan nodded, a grin spreading across his face as he stood up. "Right, no hiding. Wish me luck!" He clapped me on the shoulder before heading to the lineup area, his strides full of resolve.

As Ethan joined the other competitors, I could see the resolve in his steps. I settled back into my seat, my eyes scanning the bustling crowd. The energy was at 100%, and each cheer and shout from the stands filled the anticipation.

The initial matches were uneventful for me, but the crowd came alive when Ethan's turn came. His duel began with high energy. His opponent launched a series of rapid strikes, which Ethan dodged with impressive agility. Soon, he found an opening, disarming his opponent with a swift movement that earned him loud cheers and advancement to the next round.

As we awaited the next match, I felt a presence slide into the seat next to me. Turning, I found Alex settling in, his expression unusually somber.

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm surprised to see you next to me. Shouldn't you be down there?"

"I haven't been able to focus 100% lately. I need to fix that right now."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Alex shifted uncomfortably, his gaze drifting toward the arena before settling back on me. "I mean I owe you an apology," he said, his voice carrying a weight I hadn't heard before. "I had my doubts about your level... But I heard from General Elric himself that it's true."

"You spoke to General Elric?" The sincerity in his voice surprised me, as did his mention of General Elric.

"He has been training me lately, I'm really not the same person anymore... I'm stronger. Had you entered the competition I would have pummeled you!"

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