Chapter 27: The Final Boss

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The somber echoes of the final battle lingered in the chilling corridors of the demon king's castle, creating a haunting resonance. As we progressed deeper into the empty halls, it was Lydian's hushed confession that unexpectedly pierced the silence, her voice unsteady and fraught with emotion.

"Evelyn, I need to apologize again for my past actions toward you..." Lydian began, her expression pained and introspective.

"I once called you the demon king," she said, her words weighed down with regret. "And, foolishly, I believed it myself. I also must confess... I once took a pen from you, thinking it was mine."

"Lydian, are you okay? Why are you telling me all this again?" I asked, confusion threading through my voice as I tried to understand the sudden outpouring of guilt.

Lydian paused, her eyes meeting mine with a mix of fear and determination. "Because we're not just here to defeat a demon king. We're here to confront our own demons, our own past. And I needed to clear mine before I die."

"Umm, isn't that a bit extreme?" I replied, my concern for her well-being deepening.

With Lydian spilling her unnecessary secrets it was clear the group was feeling the strain of the imminent confrontation.

"In any case, let's enter the castle already," I said, trying to steer us back to focus.

"Evelyns right," Adrian chimed in. "There's no room for guilt. We need to focus on the task at hand."

Cornelius nodded in agreement, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "Oddly enough, it's pretty empty... not a demon or monster in sight."

It was odd indeed. In the game, the approach to the final boss was typically fraught with challenges and minions, yet here we walked unimpeded. This unexpected calm only heightened our anxiety, the silence more menacing than a battlefield's chaos.

Alex scanned the shadows. "It's too quiet. Be ready for anything. This could be a trap," he murmured, his sword drawn.

The effects of a surprise attack—even with my high-level and enhanced senses—could be devastating. I adjusted my stance, readying myself for any hidden threats.

As we reached the grand doors at the end of the hallway, the ornate carvings seemed to mock us with their stoic, silent watch. With a collective breath, we pushed the doors open, and the vast throne room unfurled before us. There, enthroned and emanating malevolence, was the demon king. His face was covered with a mask that twisted his features into a grotesque semblance of royalty.

Without warning, two gargoyles descended from the ceiling with a thunderous crash behind us, cutting off our retreat. Adrian, Alex, and Cornelius spun around, engaging the stone beasts in a ferocious melee, their swords ringing against stone.

"Evelyn, Lydian, focus on the king!" Adrian shouted over the chaos of battle.

"But...!" Lydian started, hesitating as she looked toward the gargoyles, but I grabbed her arm, pulling her focus back to the demon king. "We have to trust them," I urged, "Your role is to defeat the demon king."

The demon king stood from his throne as we approached, the mask hiding any expression but his eyes—glowing with a fiery, malevolent intelligence—promised anguish. He raised a hand, and dark energy swirled around him, forming barriers that shimmered with power.

Lydian, seizing the moment, unleashed a surge of light magic, a radiant beam targeting the heart of his defenses. But with a mere flick of his wrist, the demon king dispelled her assault, the spell dissolving into harmless sparks that faded before reaching him.

"That can't be..." Lydian's voice trailed off, her disbelief evident as she grasped the futility of her spell. "Light magic should break through darkness... it always has."

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