Chapter 25: Lord of the Estate

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After meeting with the king regarding the legal aspects of my ascension to the Lordship, I felt a burden lift from my shoulders. The approval was not just a formality; it was a public endorsement that would be announced at the festival of Eldoria, along with the troubling news of the demon king's revival.

A celebration with an announcement of impending doom seemed pretty tasteless, but it mirrored the complex times we faced. The festival, traditionally a joyous event celebrating Florabelle's founding, was now also a prelude to battle.

In the library, Ethan's eyes widened with each detail I shared. Leaning back against the shelves, he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "Evelyn, taking over as head of the Vancourt house—that's massive," he said, his tone reflecting awe and concern. "Aren't you scared? It's a huge responsibility."

I sipped my tea, its bitterness echoing the new weight on my shoulders. "Scared? Absolutely. But more than that, I'm determined. This isn't just about power or control, Ethan. It's about sending an old superstition to the grave."

"What about your studies and your duties here?" Ethan's worry was evident as he leaned forward.

"I've delegated the estate's daily tasks to trusted stewards," I explained. "My place is here, at the academy, until I've finished the training."

Ethan sighed, relieved. "That's good to hear. You've really thought this through."

As our talk meandered, an intriguing thought crossed my mind—if I was to truly be a lord, wouldn't I need an heir? To maintain my independence, adopting might be an alternative to marriage.

"Hey Ethan, you think I could adopt you?"

Ethan paused, visibly taken aback. "That came out of nowhere... why adopt me?"

"Well, you're second born, right? Since you can't inherit your family's title, you don't have much tying you down."

His chuckle broke the brief silence. "You're really throwing me a curveball with that one, Evelyn. But honestly, thinking about the future in those terms—it's weird"

Ethan seemed pretty flustered by it, so I gently steered our conversation toward more familiar territory. "It's been a while since we last chatted this long. It feels like we've both grown in so many ways, doesn't it?"

Ethan nodded, "It really does. I mean, from the first day here to now—you becoming a lord, and all the challenges we've faced—it's like we're not the same people who walked through the academy's gates."

"That's true," I agreed, feeling a reflective pull at his words. "There's one thing I did learn from this incident."

"Oh? What's that?" His curiosity peaked.

"I don't think I have it in me to kill a human," I confessed softly.

Ethan's expression softened, "Considering how you dealt with your parents, I'd say you've definitely grown a heart."

"Maybe," I mused, smiling gently, "or perhaps I've always had one. It's just a matter of knowing when to use it and when to guard it."

Our conversation eventually wound down, leaving me alone in the quiet library, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows across the floor. These rare, unhurried talks with Ethan were becoming precious, given our intense training schedules.

Reflecting on my evolving social habits, I realized how much I had changed. Previously, solitude was my sanctuary; now, the idea of deeper engagement, especially with Ethan, sparked an unfamiliar excitement within me. His presence transformed simple moments into memories I wished would stretch on indefinitely.

This shift puzzled me; it was an unexpected chapter in my story. Once content in my isolation, now the idea of engaging more deeply, especially with Ethan, kindled a warmth that was both exhilarating and unnerving. It was as if his presence was slowly unraveling the layers of my former self and revealing new possibilities of who I might become.

=== At the Festival of Eldoria

The festival was in full swing. Banners fluttered against the twilight sky as the capitol grounds teemed with nobles and commoners alike. Amidst the festivities, I found a quiet spot to reflect on my new role in this world—not just as a character in a game, but as a significant influencer in this reality.

"Evelyn Vancourt, please make your way to the stage!" The king's summons redirected my focus. As I walked toward the stage, the crowd's murmurs grew into uneasy whispers, the weight of countless eyes tracking my every step.

"She's just a child, how can she handle the Vancourt estate?" one scoffed, adjusting his fine cloak.

Beside him, a woman nodded, adding skeptically, "I heard the Vancourt family has been involved with some shady business lately... maybe it's all a scheme?"

Their wariness was understandable, presenting yet another challenge for me to navigate.

Reaching the stage, the king greeted me with a warm smile, assisting me up the last step. "Lady Evelyn, your sense of justice is commendable," he whispered for only me to hear.

He was well aware of the real motive behind my rise—not solely for governance but for necessary reform, a change he had long championed. I nodded in acknowledgment, fully aware of the serious undertakings that awaited.

Turning to address the people, his voice resonated powerfully. "Today, we honor not only our rich traditions but also the young leaders ready to defend our kingdom. Lady Evelyn Vancourt, newly appointed head of the Vancourt house, stands among these guardians."

Applause slowly erupted, measured and uncertain. It was the kind that hinted at obligation rather than enthusiasm, reflecting the crowd's hesitance toward me. But, The king's next topic would set a new tone regarding the dark resurgence.

"As some of you may suspect, the seal imprisoning the demon king—a legacy of the previous hero—is weakening. We withheld this to prepare discreetly, avoiding undue panic. Now, we stand ready, united in our resolve to confront this menace."

The mood intensified as he detailed the battle plans against the demon king, rallying the people's spirit.

"Allow me to introduce the raid party who will venture directly into the demon's domain," the king declared, his voice filled with solemnity and pride.

"Evelyn, Cornelius, Adrian, Alex, and finally, Lydian."

As they lined up beside me, I felt a slight surge of pride. Lydian, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of nervousness and resolve. It was clear that our training sessions had left her feeling more confident.

"These brave souls, led by my son Cornelius, will venture into the heart of darkness to confront the demon king. Their success is crucial not only for our kingdom's survival but for the future of our world."

As cheers filled the air, I looked at my fellow raid members. Each face showed growth and readiness. What used to be annoying side characters, who hated my existence, had become my new friends...sort of.

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