Chapter 23: Training the Main Protagonist

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Before the first light of dawn pierced the horizon, Lydian walked silently toward the outskirts of Mystic Academy. Enshrouded by the early morning's shadows, she was a solitary figure heading towards an ancient, almost forgotten dungeon. The path was choked with overgrowth, signaling its infrequent use, yet Lydian moved with purpose, her steps confident and undeterred by the underbrush or the eerie murmurs emanating from the dark portal ahead.

Pausing at the entrance, she cast a glance over her shoulder, as if ensuring her solitude, before stepping into the depths beyond, driven by motives not yet known to anyone but herself.


Meanwhile, Inside the academy, I approached the imposing oak doors of Headmaster Agrippa's office with a slight hesitation. It had been a while since my last summons here—not since my initial year at Mystic. Once inside, the familiar scent of aged books and lingering magic enveloped me.

Headmaster Agrippa, gestured for me to take a seat. His desk was buried under papers and arcane relics, and his demeanor today carried a gravity that immediately set me on edge.

"Evelyn," he began, his voice both deep and resonant, "you are undoubtedly aware of the disturbances lately?"

I nodded, recalling the subtle signs I had noticed—the strange omens, the erratic behavior of the academy's wildlife, and the faint tremors in the magical currents. All of which began to ramp up this new semester.

"As you already know, these disturbances signal the imminent revival of the demon king," Agrippa continued, his fingers tapping a rhythm of concern on the wood. "Preparations will start at once whether we like it or not."

His gaze then subtly shifted, implying his next words concerned Lydian and her companions.

"What level is Lydian, and the rest at currently?"

"Lydian is progressing, but not at the pace required for the challenges ahead. Her companions have also grown, yet they too must elevate their capabilities swiftly," he explained, carefully omitting specific details about their abilities.

"And what is it you need from me? To hold a group training session with them all?"

"Not quite... for now focus on training with Lydian. Those boys are capable, but she is the key. You must push her limits, challenge her resolve, and enhance her qualities." Agrippa clarified, his gaze sharpening with the gravity of the situation.

I processed his words, understanding that my role was not just to train but to truly transform Lydian into the protagonist she was meant to become.

"And to aid in building a stronger bond," he added, sliding an envelope across the desk to me, "take her to 'The Enchanted Brew' with this coupon. A less formal setting might open new perspectives and strengthen your connection."

With the coupon in hand, I felt a twinge of apprehension about my capability to guide someone so crucial to our plans, yet I reassured myself that it would turn out alright.

Upon reaching the training grounds, the fog was lifting, revealing the verdant expanse of the academy. I noticed Lydian casting spells in the distance, her focus clear even from afar.

"Lydian," I called out as I approached, her spells dissipating into the air as she turned to greet me with a surprised look. "Headmaster Agrippa has assigned me to work with you. We're going to intensify your training."

Lydian's eyes widened slightly, before looking down slightly disappointed. "Really? I mean, I knew there would be more training, but with you? That's... Scary..."


Would being trained by a level 100, dark magic-wielding, villainess be considered scary? I suppose it could...

"Oh no I mean I'm sure you're a good trainer, it just that... never mind!" Lydian stammered, quickly trying to backtrack her initial reaction. I could tell she was struggling to phrase her thoughts without offending me, which only made the situation slightly amusing.

"Let's just start," I suggested, my tone lightening to ease some of her tension. We began with basic drills that focused on precision and control—foundation skills that needed to be second nature in a battle.

As we progressed, I observed her closely, noting moments where she seemed to restrain her full power, pulling back when she was on the verge of a breakthrough. This restraint piqued my curiosity but I decided to focus on her technique for now.

"Focus, Lydian. Magic is as much an art as it is a force," I instructed, watching her absorb the feedback and apply it almost immediately.

"Excellent progress," I complimented after a particularly successful spell, seeing her confidence blossom. "Remember, every spell, no matter the affinity has its quirks. You need to understand not just how, but why."

As the session drew to a close, I could see the exhaustion setting in on Lydian's face, but there was also a clear spark of exhilaration in her eyes. "Thank you, Evelyn. I didn't realize how much I was holding back until now."

"That's usually the case," I replied, packing up the last of our training materials. "You don't see the walls you build around your potential until someone forces you to look."

We then headed to 'The Enchanted Brew' for a well-deserved break. The café's cozy atmosphere, with its tranquil ambiance, was a stark contrast to the morning's intensity. We chose a secluded table by the window, allowing the soft afternoon light to enhance the serene setting.

"This place is beautiful," Lydian remarked, visibly relaxed and more open than during our training.

"It's a good spot to unwind. Plus, the drinks here have a little magical kick to them," I explained, showing her the coupon the headmaster had given me.

"Unwind? Magical kick? Umm, I don't think that aligns with the school's no alcohol policy..."

Lydian, ever the stickler to the rules paused, a slight frown creasing her brow as she considered the implication of my words.

"You silly, these drinks aren't alcoholic," I clarified with a light chuckle, seeing the concern etched on her face. "They're magically infused to enhance mental clarity and relaxation. Completely within the rules."

Her expression shifted from concern to intrigue as she relaxed back into her chair, taking in the ambiance of the café. "That sounds... actually quite nice," she admitted, her curiosity now piqued.

As we sipped our enchanted brews, the conversation veered away from training and magic. It drifted into personal territories, more specifically her humble origins. I already knew it from the game but I didn't mind hearing it in her earnest tone.

"I actually grew up quite far from here," she started, her eyes reflecting the memories. "I was adopted by a priest when I was very young. We lived in a small but lively village, and he took care of the local church and its orphanage."

Listening, I remembered how this part of her life had shaped her. The game never delved deep into her emotions during these times, but hearing her speak now added layers to her character I hadn't considered.

"I never would've expected to be anything beyond a commoner to be honest. But, my life changed when they heard a rumor that I could wield Holy magic. The school sent someone to recruit me in person... but being afraid of letting go of my past, I almost didn't accept."

Her voice trailed off, hinting at the conflict and courage that had defined her early years.

"They told me I had a rare gift that could help many, it was at that moment that I accepted the offer."

"And here you are preparing to fight the demon king... crazy how things turn out, isn't it?" I mused, giving her a knowing look.

"Yeah, it is," she agreed, a thoughtful expression settling over her features. "I guess in a way, it's like I'm still trying to take care of everyone, just on a much larger scale."

Our conversation continued to flow, deepening our understanding of each other beyond the roles of mentor and mentee. It was clear that Lydian's journey mirrored mine in some ways—both thrust into roles we hadn't anticipated, growing into them as we faced each new challenge.

As the cafe began to empty, signaling the end of the day, I felt a sense of accomplishment not just for the progress made in training, but for the bridge built between us. Perhaps I could consider Lydian as a friend of mine.

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