Chapter 26: Romantic Encounter

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Following the speech, a gala was held in the castle's grand hall, exclusively for nobles and students of the Mystic Academy.

Being a part of the kingdom's legendary raid party I should have been present and social but I didn't quite feel the mood. Instead, I hung out on the balcony, staring out over the bustling crowd below. The orchestra played vibrant tunes, and laughter filled the air, yet my thoughts lingered on the upcoming mission—and Ethan.

As if summoned by my thoughts, Ethan appeared beside me, his presence instantly soothing. "Not feeling the festivities tonight?" he asked, leaning against the railing with a soft smile.

Turning to him, I tried to mask my unease. "You know I've never been a fan of umm... socializing," I admitted with a slight grimace, "Plus knowing what's coming..." My voice trailed off, caught up in the moment.

Ethan's gaze swept across the lively dance floor visible through the glass doors. "It does feel like we're in the calm before the storm. But, maybe that's exactly why we need nights like these," he suggested, a thoughtful pause coloring his tone. "To remind us what we're fighting for."

His words brought a smile to my face, easing my anxiety. "You always know what to say, Ethan. How do you do that?"

"It's just me," he joked lightly, then his expression softened, becoming more serious. "Evelyn, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about... something personal."

The shift in his tone caught my attention, and I faced him fully. "What's on your mind?"

Ethan hesitated, his usual confidence wavering as he searched for the right words. "Remember the night of the ball last year? When we danced, and everything seemed so... simple?"

I nodded, recalling the night vividly. It had been a moment of connection that felt like the beginning of something more, yet it ended in uncertainty. "I remember," I replied, curious about where this was leading.

He took a deep breath, his eyes locked on mine, conveying a sincerity that made my heart skip a beat. "I left that night feeling like I missed my chance to tell you something important. And then I spent the summer trying to figure out how to say it."

The intensity of his gaze was a little overwhelming, but it anchored me to the moment, to him. "Ethan, you know you can tell me anything."

"It's umm—" Ethan paused, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. "I like you, Evelyn. More than just as a friend or a teammate. And I've felt this way for a while."

The confession hung between us, bold and vulnerable. My initial shock slowly gave way to a warmth that spread through me, mingling with a surge of relief. "Ethan, I—" My words faltered as emotions swirled within me, mirroring the dance of the leaves in the gentle night breeze.

Noticing my hesitation, Ethan reached out, his hand gently grasping mine. "You don't have to say anything right now," he said softly. "I just wanted you to know."

Yet, I realized I did want to respond. "No, I want to say it. I like you too, Ethan. I was just too foolish to realize it, and I even told myself you could find someone else better than me."

"That's not true," Ethan interjected quickly, his eyes earnest. "Evelyn, you're amazing just the way you are. But if you feel like there's something you're holding back, you can tell me. Anything."

His assurance gave me the courage to reveal a part of my story I had kept hidden. "Ethan, there's something about me you should know. I'm not from this world—I was brought here, to this game-like reality. Sometimes, I feel like I'm just pretending to fit in, pretending to be someone worthy of this life and of you."

Ethan listened intently, his expression one of surprise but not judgment. "Evelyn, knowing this changes nothing about how I see you. If anything, it makes me admire you more. You've faced challenges most can't even imagine."

Relief washed over me, lighter than I had felt in ages, as if his words had lifted the final barrier between us.

A smile broke across Ethan's face, a mixture of relief and joy that lit up his features. He stepped closer, reducing the distance between us to mere inches. "So, what do we do now?" he asked, his voice a whisper.

"This," I said, reaching up to pull him down into a kiss that sealed our confessions—a kiss that spoke of missed chances now recaptured, of battles to come, and a future we might dare to shape together.

As we broke apart, the noise of the ball seemed to fade away into the background, This new sense of euphoria was not something I would ever think I could experience.

Back in my former existence, I could never have imagined feeling so intertwined with another. The boundaries between the game and reality seemed to dissolve, and for the first time, I was not just a player in a bizarre world—I was utterly human. Ethan's acceptance of my truth, his unwavering support, didn't just bridge the gap between us; it built something new, something unshakably real.

===Demon King Prelude===

Weeks later, the kingdom's outer regions were encircled by demonic forces, signaling that the seal was completely broken and the demon king would soon make his move. Our preparation time had dwindled, shifting from theoretical strategies to the harsh reality of imminent combat.

The kingdom buzzed with the undercurrents of war. Scouts reported increased demon activity at the borders. The citizens, once merely anxious, were now veering into panic, their fear present in crowded marketplaces and hushed conversations.

Meanwhile, Ethan was appointed to command a frontline defense unit due to his Verreault lineage—known for their strategic minds and valor. His role was critical, safeguarding the kingdom while me and the raid party faced the demon king directly.

As we arrived at the demon king's castle, the stark contrast between the chaos at the kingdom and the eerie silence here was palpable. The castle, a towering structure of dark stone, stood ominously against a sky streaked with the orange and purple hues of dusk. Its walls, impossibly high and foreboding, promised nothing but dread to those who dared approach.

Glancing at my party I realized that nothing could have prepared us for what was about to unfold.

A/N: This was a slightly rushed chapter... It's because I'm just so excited to write the final arc (you can't blame me). Anyway, I will come back to polish it.  

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