Wedding 💒

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"Hmm hey Char-Char, being the princess of hell, you're able to do wedding shit. What the officiants do during weddings," Lucifer is sitting at the bar sipping on his favorite (nonalcoholic) drink that Husker makes for him.

"Uhh I'm guessing you're saying this because you want me to officiate you and Alastor's wedding," Charlie's walking around with a few papers from heaven talking about Exterminations and Sir Pentious (this taking place after episode 8).

"Pfft haha who said anything about me and Al getting married, we're just dating right now. I don't know when we're going to move on to phase uhh 3," Lucifer's face says it all as he talk, clearly lying.

Husk cleans a few glasses from the night before with Angel, "Drunk or sober, you suck at lying your highness."

"Okay fair, I just haven't really talked with anyone for sometime and the whole uhh lying thing's kinda awkward for me," Lucifer looks at his drink with a down face (I made my baby boy sad). The elevator door opens and Alastor walks out talking about how weird the elevator is for him with Angel.

"Ah Lucifer just the shortie I wanted to see," Alastor walks over the bar, hands behind back and no cane.

"Oh hey Al, still working on fixing the cane," Charlie waves at Alastor as he sits next to Lucifer.

"Ah well Charlie you know it does take some time for a staff as special as mine," Alastor chuckles before tuning to Lucifer. "Anyways I got a special question just for you Apple pie," Alastor chuckles tending to use that nickname as a insult at how short Lucifer is but also as a compliment about how sweet Luci can be sometimes.

"Hmm funny I have a question for you," Lucifer looks at Alastor.

"Well then I got the perfect idea we close out eyes and say it at the count of three," Alastor chuckles and at the same time Al and Lu both say, "however I need you to stick your hand out for my question. Really you too, okay then." They close their eyes holding out their hand.




They open their eyes and at the same time as dropping a ring in the other's hand they ask, "will you marry me?"

"Oh fuck, that interesting. Hey Husky gimme a drink~" Angel says  before taking a sip of the drink Husk gives him.

"D... do we still need to like yes or..." Lucifur asks looking at the rings.

"I don't know," Alastor says as he also looks at the rings.

(414 words)

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