Charlie's worry🩹

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"Where is he! He should be down by now, right?" Charlie is pacing back and forth because Lucifer should've come down because, he knows this very well, it's a Wednesday and those days they do trust exercises and Luci has been finding these exercises quite fun, he's never missed one and he's always sitting in the rom before anyone. "Who was last seen with him?!" Charlie gets angry because she's stressed and is thinking someone did something to her father.

"Charlie, deer, he came into my room, hugged me and ran back to his room." Charlie starts to walk up to Alastor still pissed, "but wait wait wait Charlie, I know me and your father have our differences but I would never hurt him, if you would like I could go check on him." 

Charlie calms down, "that would be appreciated, but don't do anything to him, I maybe one of the nicer people in hell but I won't hesitate to kill someone who hurts my dad." Charlie glares at Alastor.

"I wouldn't do that dear," Alastor heads up the stairs Charlie's gaze following him. Razzle followed behind Al with the little Dazzle plush Al made for him. "Ahh thank you for coming with me Razzle, my shadow seemed to have wondered off."

Charlie looks towards the group of people while she called down, "sorry guys but I'm going to have to cancel today's trust exercises." Charlie sits down and Vaggie goes to comfort her, Husk goes back to the bar and Nifty goes back to killing bugs. As all of this is going on, Angel Dust sneaks away following Alastor.

"is he actually going to check up on the king or is he doing something else? Either way, I don't trust him for some reason." Angel thinks to himself as he follows Alastor not too far behind on the stairs. Once Alastor gets to the door of Lucifer's room Angel hides behind a wall as to not be seen.

"Who's there," Lucifer groans from his bed.

"Just open this door, I came to check on you... NOT because I wanted too, but because Charlie's worried about you." Lucifer stands up with a small grunt that can't be heard by the demons outside of his room. He throws a shirt on, having one off because the fabric was irritating the wound and he can't properly bandage himself, once the shirt is on he opens the door.

"So you're just here for Charlie's sake," Lucifer looks at Alastor as he nods. "Okay look I'm fine I just have paper work to check up on, I've been so anxious after I go Charlie that meeting with heaven a while ago I couldn't do any work," Lucifer looks tired, he sounds super monotone and papers on his desk. "Now if you excuse me, I have work to do."

"Very well then, I'll let you work," Alastor was bent down to be eye level with Lucifer and Lucifer's focus was completely on Alastor so neither of them noticed the spider that was now sitting on Lucifer's bed, holding a duck that looks a lot like Husk.

Alastor walks away and Lucifer quickly takes his shirt off before crouching in pain, "Shit shit shit that was a bad idea. I should've just answered with my door closed." Angel sneaks closer to Lucifer seeing that injury on his chest down to his belly button area.

"Well that looks like shit, why haven't you patched it up yet, or just heal it?" Lucifer jumps at Angel, now sitting next to him still holding the Husk duck.

"Why are you in here and to answer your questions, I'm not good with bandaging myself and as a fallen angel I can't heal things like they were never there..." Lucifer sits crisscross with the wound wide open and visible to Angel.

"Hmm how interesting, this is deep... did you get from Adam?" Lucifer shakes his head and points to Alastor's shadow. When Angel looks at the shadow it shows how Lucifer took the injury from Alastor. "Oh wow... want me to bandage it up for you so you can "finish your paperwork" and come down stairs so Charlie's not worried."

Lucifer looks at Angel Dust tears forming in his eyes, "You would do that for me?" Lucifer looks at his feet, "normally I just deal with the injury until it heals, I don't wanna be a burden in anyone's time!

"Come here toots," Angel pulls Lucifer into a hug holding him close, as friends, before disinfecting the wound, bandaging Luci up and giving him some pain killer. "There you should feel better in the morning, shortie," Angel put's Lucifer on his bed telling him to get some sleep.

(774 words, sorry if I made you possibly cried I was about to start [787])

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