Why hello... oh no 🎵

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"AL, DAD COME HERE QUICK, COME ON, COME ON, COME ON, COME ON" Charlie yells from the main lobby. Alastor walks down stairs, he has an Apple necklace that has wings on it with the chain representing a snake. Lucifer's asleep in his room, in a deep sleep because he didn't get to sleep until 3 am.

"Charlie why are you yelling, your father didn't sleep well last night and currently he's asleep and who might this pitiful sinner beeeee-" Alastor reaches the bottom of the stairs and looks at the figure next to Charlie, freezing. His ears pin down, his smile becoming more forced.  "Hello there... Lilith..."

"Hi Alastor, how do you happen to know that my husband's asleep, and also lovely necklace," Lilith speaks with pride and annoyances. Alastor quickly teleports the necklace to Lucifer's room.

"Oh why thanks for the compliment about the necklace, I forgot to take it off, I don't normally wear it out in the lobby," Charlie is about to speak, correcting Alastor, Alastor cuts her off. "Charlie, dear, can I speak to you in private." Before Charlie can answer Alastor teleports them away.

"Geez Al you're acting like she owns your soul and I don't know told you to come ruin my hotel," Charlie starts to laugh, before Alastor grabs her shoulder's looking her straight in her eyes.

"How was that a guess, because that's true," despite the fact Alastor always smiles and doesn't let it falter, his smile start to fade. Charlie's eyes open wide.

"Why did you make a deal with her?" Charlie asks taking Alastor's hands off her shoulders and holding them in her's.

"She tricked me, she told me she was going to make me more powerful, but it was lie," Alastor pulls his hands back.

"I should tell her to leave and leave you be," Charlie heads for the door before being stopped by Alastor.

"No no no you can't, she'll destroy my soul if she knows I told you about my deal with her." Alastor has pure terror in his eyes his smile small and quivering. "I wasn't meant to tell anyone"

(346 words)

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