Doors 🎮

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Any 🎮 chapters are going to have the title of the game as the title, this game is doors, a popular multiplayer Roblox game, if you don't have Roblox ehh just look up a play through but it is a horror game, if you haven't played it only play it if you are okay with jump scares and finally if you have played it, have you beaten it (I have, only once though)


"Charlie what's this game called again?" Lucifer walks around the main lobby.

"Oh it's called Doors, everyone pair up, I'm going with Vaggie," Charlie and Vaggie enter an elevator for two.

"I'm going with Husky," Angel and Husk enter an elevator for two.

"That means... I'm left him" Lucifer sits on the couch Alastor's sitting on. "Do you even have a modern phone," The king jokes.

Alastor pulls out a phone, "Charlie made me buy one for these trust exercises..." Al and Lu enter an elevator. Charlie stands up and a whiteboard appears.

"Okay guys this is how it is played, there's 100 doors and different entities that you can meet along the way, most of them will kill you, if the lights flicker enter a closet or go under a bed, at door 50 and 100 make sure to be quiet around figure, door's 90-99 there's no lights blah blah blah."

-after Charlie explained everything, and I mean everything-

Everyone get into their games, each with their own headphones. Charlie got to door 5 and died to Rush, Vaggie got to the Seek run but died because she didn't crouch. Angel and Husk got to door 50 but Husk messed up on the heartbeat mini game and Angel forgot to crouch when walking close to Figure. "Oh wow guys looks like we should move on to the next exercise," Charlie puts her phone down before looking at her dad and Al, "wait are they still in."

Al and Lu are quietly sitting back to back still going through doors, currently at door 96, "holy shit, the king and smiles are going... I'm presuming," Angel watches with anticipation for them to fail.

-a few minutes later-

"Oh geez that was hard right deer," Lucifer nudges Alastor as Al sets his phone down.

"Well it would be for you, I don't even think those spiders were meant to stay," Alastor stands up.

Lucifer takes a screenshot laying on his back now, "yeah haha, remember you almost died to dupe."

"Oh be quiet, you almost died to eyes," Alastor laughs.

"WAIT DID YALL ACTUALLY BEAT IT?" Angel stands up in surprise.

"Yes we did," Lucifer shows Angel dust the image he took of him and Al in the elevator. Everyone's jaws dropped. That day, Alastor and Lucifer started to hate each other a little less.


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