chapter 3

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Ethos POV:

Cleo and Bdubs had just left after having lunch with me. They were heading to the library to study for some chemistry test. I decided to go change as I was still sweaty from earlier when we had p.e.

When I entered the boys locker room I saw that same brunette guy who I had bumped into last week. He was just sitting on the floor with his head down. Surely he wasnt okay- I could hear him sniffing.

I got a bit closer to him. "Hey um..are u..alright? U seem a bit.." I tried to sound as polite as I could. The boy lifted his head up and I saw the light red paths that were on his cheeks. He had been crying. "Uh..who are u and..its none of ur business." the boy said with a rather worried than annoyed voice.

"Im Etho. U just seemed sad and, well, its normal humanity- I asked if ur okay." I chuckled. "Oh alright. Well yea Im fine I guess. Thanks Etho." "Ur a really bad liar y'know. If u wanna talk, go on." I smiled and sat next to him. He seemed a bit thrown off by that. Did he know about my nickname? I wouldnt be surprised- rumors spread so fast around here. 

Joels POV:

I remembered when I bumped into this guy last week. Suddenly I realized he doesnt even know my name. "Im Joel." I blurted. "Wait do we have classes together? I havent seen u around. Only that one time when u.. I mean we bumped into each other" I asked.

He looked older than me- with like 2 years. His grayish hair was a little longer than mine. One of his eyes was red and the other black. He had a black mask on so I couldnt see the other half of his face but he looked like he was smiling.

"I dont know. In which year are u? Im a junior." He spoke back. "Ohh thats why. Im a sophomore. Thats what I thought, u look older than a good way! Not that ur old or.." I cut off and laughed. "So..whats up?" he asked after a little while of silence. We had totally trailed off the first conversation. 

"Well me and my friend argued. He asked if I wanted to hang out him during the break and I got mad and then I told him to fuck off and-" I stopped talking when I realized that I was oversharing to a complete stranger. "Why am I even doing this.." I mumbled.

Etho looked at me. "Dont worry. Who would I tell about that? My 2 friends?" he chuckled. "No its just that I usually have trouble talking about the way I feel but now Im just here laying it all out. To a person who I have never spoken to." I laughed.

"Well it means that u think Im cool." he chuckled. "HUH? I never said that!" I blurted. "Im joking, Im joking." he laughed and so did I.

We continued talking. I told him about my grades and my fucked up sleep schedule but decided to leave out the family problems. "What about u?" I asked just as we heard the bell ring. "Welp. Its gonna remain a mystery. Unless u wanna become friends." he stood up and waved. "Alright then. Catch u later!" I shouted as he walked out the door.

(577 words, a bit shorter ik)

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