chapter 10

368 10 11

Ethos POV:

Joel was probably already asleep. I was still awake though, thinking about the day we had spent together. I couldnt tell if he liked me or not. Surely he did enjoy being my friend which was more than enough. But did I like him? I couldnt stop thinking about his beautiful brown eyes and his fluffy chocolate colored hair with a green stripe..and he his charming smile and adorable personality. Yeah, I definitely liked him.
"Etho..!" I heard a quiet voice coming from above me. "Huh? Joel why arent u sleeping?" I asked as I got up. "I dont know.. I couldnt fall asleep." "Oh okay. Are u alright?" "Yeah! Im great! Thanks." "Ookayy.. wanna watch a movie? I cant sleep either knowing that ur awake." I blurted. I could feel my face heating up. "Sure. U pick which one though." "How about..The ring? Its horror but its a classic after all?" "A-alright! Yea sure!" I could tell by his tone that something was off. Maybe he was scared..?

Yup. He was definitely scared. I was putting on the movie and I could see him looking around. "Joel are u sure ur okay with watching horror? We can watch something else, I dont mind. Whatever u say, we do it." "Noo dont worry I'll be fine. But can u um.. sit next to me..? I dont want to watch a horror movie by my own.." I chuckled, took the tv remote with me and sat in my bed next to him.
The movie was still going. I was half asleep. I didnt pay much attention to the film- I had watched it several times before. I was looking at Joel who was quite literally shaking. My heart was racing really fast. I wanted to hug him so bad but it would be strange. Oh well..wouldnt hurt anyone would it?

I got even closer to him and leaned on his shoulder then put my hands around his neck. My face was so red. He turned to me and looked me in the eyes. "Thanks." he said as he hugged me back.
I woke up with Joels head in my lap. We must've fallen asleep right after I had hugged him. I couldnt dare to move. I just sat there and stared at him for a little while. Then he started waking up. As soon as he lifted his head my face heated up. "Goodmorning Etho." he said in a sleepy voice, which made me flush even more. "H-hey. Did u sleep well?" I didnt know what I was saying. My head was a mess. "Yeah I did, thanks." he smiled softly.

I got up and went to my bathroom. I showered quickly and then stood in front of the mirror. I couldnt move. Suddenly I heard someone knock on the door. "Etho? Ur mom said- HOLY SHIT..!" he walked in. I was fucking bare-chested. I turned my head towards the door and my face turned red as a tomato. "Gosh, Im so sorry I should've waited outside.." Joel mumbled as he walked out. Shit.

I got out the bathroom and as soon as I saw him I started blushing. How could I mess up that bad. Its not like I was ashamed of my body but my crush seeing me half naked.. "Wanna go eat now?" I turned to Joel. He nodded and we went downstairs where my mom greeted us. We ate in complete silence. After that we got up and went to my room.

"Thanks for inviting me over, I had a lot of fun." he smiled. "Of course. We should hang out more outside school." "Yeaa true." we kept talking while he was packing his stuff to leave.

I went downstairs to say bye to Joel. We started at each other awkwardly and then he hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. When we pulled away he said bye to me once more and left the house.

(668 words, 200 reads whatt<3)

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