chapter 19

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Joels POV:

Etho spent the next whole week at my house. His mother was going on a business trip as well so both of us were home alone. Jimmy didnt mind at all- he had Tango over all the time as well which was fine by me. Etho and I slept in my bed. I could just sleep in my dads room but I decided to stay with him.

During the weekend we went out and played bowling with Jimmy and his blonde friend. We also tried baking cupcakes but almost burnt down the kitchen. I was really inlove with him and it was kind of obvious. I gave him multiple hints but he either played dumb or he was just clueless.
It was already Monday and I was in p.e. It was my last class of the day. Finally the bell rung, I quickly got out of my seat and ran to the exit of the school. I was looking for Etho. We hadnt seen each other for the whole day. I saw him walking out of the school. He seemed really annoyed and I noticed why- there was a big ass group of boys once again cracking unfunny jokes about him.

I waved at the grey haired boy and as soon as he saw me he ran towards me snd hugged me. The group of boys followed and started laughing even more. It was really getting on my nerves so I did the only thing I could think of. "If ur gonna keep making these so called 'jokes' about him being gay, then u should start making fun of me as well." I half shouted.

Then I lifted my head up to Ethos and kissed him. After I pulled away I had just realized what had happened. My face flushed. I suddenly started running towards my house. 'WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO.' was all I could hear in my mind.

After I got home I just laid on my bed and did nothing. I could hear my phone literally blowing up. I couldnt dare to look but I knew most of them were from Etho. Had I just ruined our friendship? I tried not to think about him at all but it was almost impossible.

I wasnt planning on going to school for the next few days anyways so there was no point of me trying to explain to Etho why I had done that. I decided I should call Lizzie and let her know what had happened. As soon as she picked up the phone I started talking about the kiss. "U WHAT. FINALLYYY. But did he kiss u back..?" "He didnt..thats the issue. I keep getting text messages from him but I dont wanna talk to him at all." I was on the verge of tears so I said goodbye to Lizzie and laid on my bed.
All I did for the next few days was sleep. I couldnt get myself to do anything else. Grian had checked up on me yesterday which was the most eventful thing that had happened yet. I was just about to go to the kitchen when I heard a knock on the front door.

I hurried to open it just to see Etho standing there. He tried coming in but I shut the door in his face. Then I just stood there. I could hear him talking. "Joel please. I need to tell u something. Please just let me talk to u for 2 minutes." "Im sorry.." I mumbled clearly enough for him to hear me.

Then I got to my room and as soon as I checked my phone it was flowing with messages once again. All from Etho. I felt bad for shutting him out like that but after what I had done I wasnt sure I would be able to look at him in the same way.

(653 words)

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