chapter 11

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Joels POV:

'Oh my lord. I have a crush on Etho.' I thought to myself as I was walking home. These past few hours spent with him had been amazing. I wonder if he felt the same way as me..
When I got home only Jimmy was there. "Hey Joel. How was ur sleepover?" he asked as soon as I stepped in his room. "I'll talk about it in a bit. Where are mom and dad?" they usually stay in, especially on the weekends. "Oh I dont know. Mom hasnt been home since yesterday. Dad went to work I think." he didnt seem to be worried. Maybe mom was out of town on a business trip. "Alright. Want me to rant about the sleepover now?" I grinned and he nodded.

"Okay so firstly we went outside. Then we had dinner with his mom, her name is Jade. His parents are divorced- he lives with Jade and his sister Gem with their father. Then we played truth or dare. Lizzie almost called me out on having a crush on Etho. And turns out that he doesnt like Bdubs so maybe I do have a chance. OH AND ALSO I uhm..fell asleep in his lap. And he hugged me. Twice!" I decided to skip the accident that happened in the bathroom.

"HE LIKES U!" Jimmy shouted. "I dont really know..but I do have a crush on him." I mumbled. "U should tell Grian!" "Oh great idea." I said as I got up and sprinted towards my room.

"Hey G!" "Joel! How was ur date with Etho?" he started joking around as soon as he picked up the phone. "Shut it. We are just friends." "Not for long ur not. Hes inlove with u!" he shouted and hung up.

Bdubs' POV:

"Cleo I dont know what to do. What if hes into Joel? What if he leaves me for him?" I was on a call with my red haired friend. "Even if he is, he would never end ur friendship. Joel seems cool- I doubt that he would make Etho dump u. And we dont know if Joel's into guys. He might be straight and who knows- he might even have a gf." I appreciated Cleo's words but I coudlnt stop overthinking.

"Maybe u should meet up with him and ask." Cleo suggested after a little while of silence. "Thats actually genius. But I dont have his phone number.." "Oh dont worry. I know his friend Lizzie, I'll send u his insta account." "Alright thanks. Talk to u later."

After a few minutes I received a message from Cleo. I opened Instagram and followed Joel. It took him about 6 minutes to follow me back. Then I texted him.


-Hey Joel. Its Bdubs. I was wondering if u can meet me today. Just for a little, nothing too serious. Lmk!

Yea sure. 1 pm in front of school?-

-Alrr, cya in a little

That went well. I got up from my bed and quickly dressed up. It was 12.24 so I decided to get going in a few minutes. I was a bit nervous, I cant lie. But what could happen at worst? Him telling me to fuck off and leave Etho alone? Probably. He didnt seem mean or anything so I doubted that something like this would happen.
It was exactly 1 pm. I was sitting on one of the nearby benches. I waited for a for a few more minutes and then saw Joel walking towards me. I got up, smiled and waved at the boy. We greeted each other. "So where do u wanna go?" he asked. "How about McDonald's?" it was the first thing that came to my mind. "Alright sure." he said. And then we started waking in silence.

(636 words)

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