chapter 21

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Ethos POV:

Me and Joel had been dating for 3 weeks already. Half the time cuddled and made out, the other half we just talked about random things. I was at his place and it was Saturday so we were still laying in bed. I had slept over just like I had done most of the days as well. Joel was still asleep so I kissed his forehead in order to let him know its time to get up.

As soon as he opened his eyes he kissed me and then I put my hands around his waist. I was almost on top of him when we started making out. I started kissing his neck passionately which I knew he really liked. "Gosh ur so hot.." he groaned. "Oh yeah?" I smirked, pulled away from him and took my shirt off. Just as he started taking his clothes off as well someone walked in on us.

I completely froze when I saw it was Joels dad. He just stood there but it was obvious that he was confused..and maybe angry? "Dad..! We werent going to have promise-" Joel started explaining. "Tell him its time to go. Ur grounded." he said and shut the door behind him.

I quickly got up, put on my shirt and packed my things. What were the chances of Joels dad walking on us right when we were making out.. Joel seemed a bit ashamed of what had just happened. I went up to him, hugged him and then cupped his cheek with one hand. "Its fine. Just let me know what happens next." I smiled lightly and he returned the gesture.

Joels POV:

"Sit down." my dad had called me downstairs to talk after Etho had left. "What the fuck were u two doing?" his tone was cold and not gonna lie I was really nervous. "We um..hes my boyfriend, dad. Its normal for people who love each other to do such things. And we are not 13 after all.." my voice was trembling. I didnt know if he was homophobic. "What do u mean boyfriend? Ur a boy. Soon to be a grown man. And u are wasting ur time thinking that ur inlove with a dude. This all will pass away and u will regret acting so careless." he started raising his voice and I could feel my eyes watering up.

"Ur grounded. I want u to break up with him. I will not have my son dating a guy." my dad stood up and slapped my face. I just got up and went to my room. I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. I knew I couldnt call Etho because it would make things even worse. I wasnt going to break up with him of course. But I thought maybe I should just cut contact with him. At least until things cool off with my dad.


-Hey. We have to stop hanging out as much. My dad doesnt let me date u. Sorry

          U arent breaking up with me right?-

-Im not but we cant talk much. Only on calls I guess..when hes not around.

                               Its fine. I love u Joel-

I smiled sadly behind the screen and just hearted Ethos message because I was sad enough already. Why couldnt I have something nice in my life for once?!
I hadnt seen Etho in about 3 weeks. We had been talking through messages but only a little as it made me miss him a lot. Dad wouldnt let me go outside for whatever reason so there was no point of trying to sneak out. All I did throughout the day was sleep and cry.

As I was laying on my bed I heard a knock on my window. I quickly got up- there was only one person who would do such a thing. And of course, when I looked through the window, I saw my boyfriend. His face was hella red..probably because he had climbed up a house? But he was smiling proudly and waving at me.

My dad wasn't currently at home so I decided to let him in. I opened the window and he entered my room. He came up to me and just hugged me tight. When we pulled away I just stared at his face. I had forgotten how beautiful he was. His hair looked a tad bit longer than before and it suited him very well.

I leaned in once again and pecked him on the forehead. His face went all red and it made me giggle. We kept staring at each other and after that we just talked for a while. I had really missed him and, by his words, he had felt the same way.

(800 words) Wave wave! Author here. So this might be the end of this fic..maybe one last chapter but idk yettt. I rly hope u enjoyed it! Lmk if any of u have any ideas how to continue this. Have a great day/night and tysm for 2k+ reads, genuinely Im so surprised I got so far!! Thank you all and stay safe<3

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