chapter 9

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Joels POV:

After we ate we went back to Etho's room. "What do u wanna do now? Its still too early to go to sleep." I turned to my friend. "Wanna play truth or dare?" he grinned at me. "Yesss sure! Etho, t or d?" "Dare." "Alright hmm.. I dare u to prank call someone!" it was the only thing I thought of. "Alright but u do it with me!" I smiled and say closer to him.

He got his phone and dialed a random number. "What am I gonna say?!" he panicked. "Try promoting something. Like a tv or an electronic!" I laughed. I remember
doing such things with Lizzie when I was younger.

"Hello?" the person we had called was a woman. By her voice she seemed old. "Hello! Would u like to buy an ultra high tech laptop? Now, with 25% off just for u! If u would like to purchase it please say the code word-" "What the heck? Im gonna call the police! Swear to God, these careless teenagers!" the lady hung up.

"AHAHAHA DID U HEAR THAT? THIS WAS SO FUNNY..wait what if she actually calls the police.." Etho started laughing but then looked at me. "Oh dont worry! Ive done this so many times and people usually say that just to scare us!"

"Anyways its ur turn. T or d?? "Hmm..truth." I smiled at him. "Okay.. how tall are u?" he smirked at me. "Oh come on!!" "U have to tell me. I wont make fun of u dont worry." he smiled. "Im 5'7.." I looked at him. He was already laughing his ass off. "Etho!" "Im just kidding, ur not that short. And u look taller to be honest." he mumbled. Ive always been insecure about my height. People seem to he attracted to taller guys.

"Ur turn! T or d?" "Truth this time." "Do u like Bdubs?" I grinned at him. "Noo what? We are just friends snd Im pretty sure hes into another guy, Impulse. Hes a senior." "Ahaa sure.." he started at me with an annoyed look. "Joel Im serious. I wouldnt date him again. It just didnt work out." "Alright fine fine!" I laughed.

"T or d?" "Dare." "I dare u to call Lizzie and tell her u like her!" "WHAT. NO..I will if I can tell her it was a dare afterwards." I started laughing. "Fair enough. DO IT." he grinned at me. "Fine, fine.." I mumbled.

I picked up my phone and dialed Lizzies number. "Joel? Whats up?" "Hey Liz uh..I have something to tell u. I have a big crush on u and Im really inlove with u." Silence. "I KNOW ITS A JOKE STOP PLAYING WITH ME." she shouted. "I KNOW WHO U LIKE, ITS THAT-" I quickly hung up the phone.

"Ooohh Joel has a crushhh!" Etho looked at me with a cheeky smile and my whole face flushed red. "Oh shut it. Im not telling u anything..Anyways its ur turn. T or d?" "Truth." "How tall are u?" "Are u sure u want to know? U might get a little insecure about ur height.." he laughed. Etho looked tall. Really tall. "I dont get jealous! Ur one year above me anyway." "Alright then! Im 5'11." "Ur not even that tall!" I chuckled. "Still, taller than ur ass!" he laughed.
After a few more rounds of truth or dare we played some Minecraft. It was already 1 am so we decided to go to sleep. Etho laid on the floor and I slept in his bed. It was huge- we could both fit in but he insisted that I sleep by myself.

After laying down for several minutes I spoke. "Hey Etho. Do u really like Bdubs?" my heart was pounding fast. "I told u. I dont. Why are u asking me that?" his voice was so soft and sweet. "I think he has a crush on u. And if thats so I dont wanna ruin anything between the two of u." I didnt know what I was saying. Why did I bring it up anyways? "Even if he does, I dont see him as anything more than a friend." "Oh okay. Goodnight." I turned to the wall. "Sleep well." his words echoed in my ears. Did I like Etho?

(722 words)

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