chapter 16

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Ethos POV:

For the past 5 days Joel had been grounded. His dad knew that he had snuck out so he wasnt allowed to hang out with me during the weekends and he didnt go to school. We did chat a lot but it wasnt the same. I was really bored until I received a message from that guy Mateo who I met the other night. He was asking if I wanted to hang out some time. I texted him back saying 'Sure. How about in an hour?' and he agreed.

I felt a bit guilty replacing Joel but I shouldnt have. I could have other friends as well. Plus Joel wasnt just a friend, I really really liked him. Mateo seemed cool- he had the same music taste as me and he had a younger sister as well.

I decided not to invite him over yet since I barely knew him. We agreed on meeting in front of his house which wasnt far away. "Hey Etho!" he smiled and waved at me. I greeted him as well and we started talking while heading to the mall. I was thinking of buying Christmas gifts for my friends so why not do it now?

While on our way Mateo asked me questions about my relationship status and basically all about my personal life. It did seem a bit weird but I decided to stop overthinking and get to know him as well. He said he was gay too and that he was looking for a relationship to start. I wanted to change the subject because it started making me quite uncomfortable. However he kept bringing it up so I couldnt do anything much.

After 2 hours of going around the mall I decided its time to go. He hugged me goodbye. I didnt say anything about it- I guess he was a touchy person. But to be fair it was a bit early for interactions like this one.

When I got home I called Joel and talked to him about Mateo. He seemed a bit jealous that I got to hang out with another guy who I had just met. But we decided to play some Minecraft so he didnt get mad or anything.

"Etho what if I sneak out? I really wanna see u..I dont even know if dad is gonna let me go to school next Monday. And I've got to tell u something important." he suggested. I really wanted to see him as well but what he could potentially get into more trouble. "I really miss u too but what if u get caught? Maybe I should come over instead?" he agreed to that.

Joels POV:

My life was a mess. My dad was literally locking me inside the house and not letting me go out. And now that him and mom divorced its gonna be even worse. Jimmy had told me about mom leaving yesterday. She had already moved to another city which bothered me a lot. Me and my parents never seemed to get along but it still hurt me seeing them arguing and not talking to each other.

Etho texted me that hes on his way so I went and asked Jimmy if he could distract dad for a little. Thankfully he agreed. Etho came by in a little bit and I snuck him in. As soon as we sat down in my bedroom I blurted. "My parents divorced." I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. I tried to keep as calm as possible but it just made it worse. I broke down and started crying.

Etho came closer to me and hugged me. He lifted my head up and kissed me on the forehead. My cheeks turned red. Our faces were so close to each others. Then I leaned on his chest and fell asleep.

(643 words)

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