chapter 4

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Ethos POV:

"OH MY GOSHH U MADE A NEW FRIEND?! THATS SO COOL WHATS THEIR NAME HOW OLD ARE THEY WHAT IS THEIR HAIR COL-" Gem kept asking me questions after I told her about Joel. It wasnt that big of a deal but she seemed excited about me so I decided to let her know.

"His name is Joel, hes a sophomore and his hair is brunette with a gree-" "Are u dating him?!" I was cut off by one of her silly questions. "We just met, chill! Plus I dont even know if hes into guys or girls or-" "How did u guys meet!?" cut off once again.

"Well I saw him crying in the locker room so I tried comforting him. Hes the same guy who I bumped into last week." "OOHH. Im sure ur going to be great friends!" I chuckled.
"Hey Etho!" I heard Cleo call my name. "Guess what? I made a new friend!" I went up to her. "Woohoo! See, junior year is not as bad. Anyways whats their name? Do u have any classes with them?" my red haired friend was clearly excited about me. Just like Gem. Now thinking about it, they have really similar personalities.

"His name is Joel and no, hes a sophomore." I said, smiling underneath my mask. "Oh so now u are into younger guys huh? Never knew that!" she winked at me playfully. "Oh its nothing like that. We met yesterday! And I dont feel like dating anyone right now." I tried to defend myself but it clearly didnt work because I heard her mumble something like 'We'll see about that'.
While I was eating my lunch, waiting for Bdubs, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Hey Etho!" I turned around and saw Joel. He was standing there, with his lunch in his hands, and a small smile on his face.

"Hellooo..?" I suddenly looked away when I realized that I had been staring into his face for a while now. "Sorry..ahahah! Wanna come sit and have lunch with me?" I blurted. "Sure, why not." He sat next to me and we started talking about our day.

"Oh by the way, do u have Instagram?" he asked. I was pretty embarrassed to tell him that I had never used social media. "Well I..dont have it but I can download it?" "Nah its fine, u can just give me ur number and we can talk somewhere else." Phew.

After a little while Bdubs came by. "Oh hey Etho! Whos that? I didnt know u made a new friend." he sounded quite upset. It was my fault after all- I had totally forgotten to tell him about Joel! "Oh its guy I met yesterday. His name is Joel and hes a sophomore. Im sure u will get along well!" I started laughing nervously. I knew how jealous Bdubs could get.

Bdubs sat down and ate his lunch in silence. After that he got up and said hes going to the library. "Is he ur boyfriend?" Joel asked. "Oh noo! Just a friend. We used to date but it didnt work out." "Ohh I see." "Anyways wanna go out? We can play basketball." I suggested. "Sure why not. I bet I'll win." he chuckled. "Ur too short to beat me!" I laughed and he smiled back.

Joels POV:

There were a lot of people outside. The weather was nice- it was still October. We played for a while and it was a lot of fun tbh. I got a little pissed at one point- he beat me. But its alright. Hes much taller than me anyways. And hes stronger. I think he hits the gym much more often than I do.

We sat down for a little and talked a bit more. Thats when some seniors came up to us and started saying some mean things about Etho.

(652 words)

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