chapter 1

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3rd person POV:

"SHIT." Joel was nervously walking around his room trying to decide what to wear for the first school day. He could hear his parents yelling from the other room, telling him to hurry up. First day of school and he was already running late!
"Joel are u seriously gonna be late?! U told me u had set up an alarm!!" Joel had called Lizzie to let her know not to wait for him.
"Oh shut it. Ur not any better!" the boy kept teasing his friend. "Anyway, Im just gonna ask my parents to drive me to the school. Hopefully they will help me.." said Joel, already knowing what his mom would say.
"Alright then. Cya at school!" Lizzie shouted before hanging up the phone.

The boy walked in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. As usual, his parents had already left for work and Jimmy was at school. There was a small bowl of cereal on the counter but the milk looked weird. Joel just took a bag of chips and started putting his shoes on.
Joel walked in the classroom, trying to be as quiet as possible. Of course the teacher saw him and sent him right to detention. Great. His day was already starting amazing.

Joels POV:

"WHAT DO U MEAN WE HAVE A TEST?! Its barely the first day!!" I shouted while walking to Mrs. Harrison's class with Grian.
"Yup. After all we are sophomores now. Things are about to get reaaaally hard."
"My parents are gonna kill me if I get a bad grade.." I mumbled. "Oh Im sure its not that big of a deal. One grade? Cmon u will be fine." I wasnt sure if i should tell Grian about the issues I have with my parents but i decided not to for now.

"How are things with Scar going? For how long have u been dating now? Uhh..5 months or something?" I tried to change the subject and it seemed to work. Grian started explaining about his relationship. Honestly Im really happy for him- Scar is perfect for my friend and they seem to really like each other.

"What about u? Do u have ur eye on someone?" Grian smirked at me and I just laughed. "Whatt? U know I dont have time for stuff like that.. and no, I havent really met anyone who Im interested in."

Now thinking about it, I have never really thought about my love life. I remember me and Lizzie dating back when we were younger but it was all jokes.. we were 12 after all! I have to admit, there were some cute girls in my school but I didnt really feel attracted to them.

Ethos POV:

I was walking to my Maths class when i heard a familiar voice. "HEY ETHOOO!" Cleo shouted right into my ear. "Chill its 8 am!" I laughed back at the red haired girl. "Awh come onnn! Arent u excited?! Junior year woohooo!! U might even get to meet a cute boy!" she winked at me and I laughed again. "Cleo u know I dont feel like dating anyone right now. Plus who would I date? Im known as the 'weird gay kid'."

It was true- people were pretty mean to me but honestly I didnt care- I had my 2 friends and they were more than enough.

"I dont know about u but it looks like Bdubs is really looking forward to getting to meet new people." Cleo smiled and waved at our friend. He came up to us and hugged both me and the redhair. We started walking together while talking about our summer.
I was walking down the hallway with my phone in my hands, texting my sister. She wanted to call me but I denied her offer because I still had 1 more class until the end of the day. I suddenly bumped into someone and hit my head. Their books went flying everywhere and I dropped my phone as well. It was like those funny highschool movies where afterwards the two people fall inlove with each other.

I looked down and saw a shorter boy with a green stripe through his fluffy brown hair. His big confused chocolate eyes were staring into me and I slightly blushed. Thankfully I was wearing my black mask so he didnt notice anything.

(729 words)

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