chapter 5

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Joels POV:

"Oh is that ur new boyfriend Etho? Finally managed to pull a guy havent u." some guy laughed in his face. My cheeks heated up. Why were they being like this? "Isnt he too young for u? Hes a sophomore, Im pretty sure." another girl added.

"Fuck off. Cant I enjoy my break in peace?" Etho stood up and so did I. He stormed past the group and I followed him.

"What was that about? I never knew people were rude like that. Especially to u? Did u do something to piss them off or.. they're just assholes?" I asked. "Oh dont worry about it. They have been messing around with me for the past year and a half. Ive learned not to pay attention to their insults." his voice was shaky. And Im pretty sure he did in fact take it personal.

"Is it because ur..yk..into guys?" I tried to sound as kind as possible. "Yeah. There are so many gay kids in the school but from them all they chose me to torture." he chuckled. "How come they didnt say anything to me though?! Im into guys as well..weirdos." I blurted. Then I realized what I had just said. I knew I was attracted to boys as well but I wasnt still sure about my sexuality.

He laughed. "Welp I guess ur just lucky. But if they do, just let me know." I smiled. The bell rang so we said goodbye to each other and went to our classes.
When I got home I was all alone. Jimmy was hanging out with his new friend. Pretty sure his name was Tango? They seem to get along well.

I decided to text Etho and ask if he wants to play a video game.

-Hey! Do u play Minecraft? I was wondering if u wanna start a server with me. Im really bored xD

Ooh sure. Wanna call while we play?-

-Alr, I'll go get my headphones rq

"HEY JOEL!" "SHIT. CAN U TALK ANY LOUDER?!" he laughed and apologized.

We played for the next 2 hours. It was really fun, I cant lie. We made a nice base and went mining. The level difficulty was on Hard so there were so many mobs. We made up a joke- whenever we wanted to escape from somewhere we got into a boat and started shouting 'BOAT BOYS'.

I heard my parents come back so I told Etho I had to go. We said goodbye to each other and I closed my pc. Not even 5 minutes had passed when I already heard my parents shouting at me.

I went to the living room but they were actually arguing with each other. I had never seen them like this. Maybe I was the reason why they were fighting? I went to my room and played some music.
I checked my phone. 10 am?! Im late again. I quickly got ready and started running towards my school.

The first few classes went by pretty boring. I almost got myself into detention again but thankfully the teacher felt sorry about me. Then I had biology with Grian which wasnt as bad. I apologized about the other day and he did as well.

During the lunch break I went to find Etho. I saw him sitting on the same table as yesterday. Bdubs and Cleo were there too. "Hey Etho and Bdubs! Anddd.." I didnt know the girl's name. "Cleo" she smiled back.

"Yall wanna go out and play basketball?" I asked. "Well I actually have to go! Maybe another time?" Cleo said as she started packing her things. "Thats fine. Any of u two?" I turned my head to Etho and his friend. "Sure. Bdubs u joining?" "I- uh sure!" he smiled. I knew he was anxious about something.

(641 words)

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