chapter 13

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Joels POV:

For the past 4 days I had been totally ignoring Etho. I cant lie- it was hard. I really missed him but I couldnt let myself to talk to him now knowing how Bdubs felt. My parents had been arguing a lot lately and usually it wouldnt bother me but it did scare me for some reason.

Etho had tried to interact with me- every single day but I would just walk away. It really broke my heart but it was the only thing I could do.
It was already lunch break. I was heading towards the cafeteria with Grian and Scar. I decided to stop by the boys locker room so I can leave my books. As soon as I walked in I saw Etho right in front of me. My face turned red and I tried turning around and running away but he grabbed my wrist.

"Joel what the fuck? Can u please stop ignoring me? Did I do something wrong??" he seemed really angry but his face was almost as red as mine. "Look, I cant say why but its better if we stop talking. I dont want to ruin ur-" the words almost slipped out of my mouth. Shit. I stepped back a little but he grabbed my shoulder. "I have to go..Grian is waiting for me." and I ran off.

"Joel? What happened? Ur red as fuck." Grian pointed out as I sat down. "Oh dont worry, I was just running. I had forgotten my phone in the classroom." I lied. He didnt seem to believe me but it was none of his business anyways.
The rest of the day was lame as always. I was outside of the school, about to get going home. It was raining so I had to hurry up. I heard a shout from behind me. "JOEL!" I turned around to see a tall boy with silver-white hair. He started running towards me. "Etho, its raining I should probably go.." despite my request he hugged me and pulled me into his umbrella.

My face was burning. We stood like that for a few minutes which seemed like forever. When we pulled away he smiled. "Bdubs told me that he um..likes me. He explained to me what had happened that Sunday when u two hung out. And I suppose u were ignoring me cause u didnt wanna ruin our friendship. I really appreciate it but u shouldnt have kept pushing me away!"

"Those few days without u were so lame, I cant lie." I laughed. "I agree. I did miss u. Wanna play Minecraft later today? Surely u dont have that much homework." he chuckled and winked at me. "I actually do but..of course!" I mumbled.

"I think I should get going. Its getting dark and the rain.." "Yeah I agree. Talk to u later!" I smiled and ran away. As I was walking home I couldnt stop thinking about Etho. I was glad that I could talk to him again without worrying about anything. And honestly Bdubs is great. Im so thankful that he spoke up and we cleared things out. I suppose he'll move on and find another guy.

Later when I got home me and Etho called and played together. I had a great time as always however I had to mute myself every now and then cause my parents were shouting at each other again. He asked me what was going on but I dodged the question. We decided to hang out again this weekend but at my house. My mom was going out of town and dad would probably be at work.

(612 words)

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