chapter 14

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Ethos POV:

Joel and I have gotten even closer in the past 4 weeks. We hung out almost every weekend and played video games after school together. One day when he was over at my house he received a text message from Lizzie, inviting both of us over to a pool party at her house. It was the end of November and the weather was horrible but Lizzie ensured us that the pool was inside the house.

I was a bit anxious- I remember mom taking me to swimming lessons when I was 6 but since then my foot hadnt stepped near a pool or an ocean. I did have a blurry memory of how to swim but I didnt practice at all. I couldnt back out of the invitation though. I was going with Joel and he would be upset if I left him alone.
A week had passed by. I was getting ready to go to Joels house and from there we were going to Lizzie's. Maybe I could just pretend to have forgotten my swimsuit and excuse myself. But I bet Joel would make me go in the pool with my clothes on..

I got to Joel's house. Rang the doorbell and a dirty blonde haired boy opened the door. "Hey Etho! Im Joels brother Jimmy." he shook my hand and I entered the house. It was my first time seeing Joel's sibling. He seemed Gem's age or maybe a little younger. Jimmy and his brother didnt look alike much- only thing they had in common were the big brown eyes.

As we were walking towards Joel's room Jimmy started a conversation. "For how long have u been um..friends.. with my brother? He really lik-" "JIMMY!" Joel cut him off. I went up to him and hugged him. We entered his room and I just sat on his bed.

He wasnt ready yet so he quickly took hid shirt off. My eyes immediately looked down and my face flushed red. "Oh its fine. We are going to a highschool pool party, u will see me shirtless again anyways." he laughed.

After he was done packing his things we left. Lizzie's house wasnt too far away but it took us a good 10 minutes to get there. When we arrived the pink haired girl greeted us and made us come inside. Her house was amazing. There were so many people- probably like their whole grade. I didnt spot any people I knew so I decided to stick with Joel.

He went to the bathroom to change into his swimsuit. "Wait what about u?" he asked me as he came back. "Oh I actually um..forgot my swimsuit." it was pretty obvious he didnt believe me. "Then get in with ur clothes!" "I dont know about that Joel.." I mumbled. He grabbed my wrist and started running towards the pool. "Joel I dont have spare clothes, can I at least-" he ignored me. "JOEL WAI-" both of us splashed into the water.

I quickly swam towards the edge of the pool and Joel followed me while laughing. "Joel I dont have spare clothes!!!" "Too bad." he smiled and splashed my face with water. I took off my shirt, socks and pants, got out of the pool and put them on a hanger so that they would dry.

I jumped back into the pool and to my surprise I did remember how to swim. I dived underwater and sneaked near Joel. I splashed his face with water and he did the same.

After swimming and messing around for a little while me and Joel got out the pool. There were towels we could use to I just tied one around my waist.

(623 words)

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