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Its 7 am of morning
A boy is sleeping peacefully in his room,he is looking very cute .Then other boy enter the room and say babe wakeup it's morning.
The sleep boy say - Karn why are you waking me up,let me sleep.

Karn - Rishabh get up ,it very late you have to go to office.

So here we come to know that they are Karn and Rishabh.

Karn and Rishabh both love each other a lot .Karn is Rishabh's life he can do anything to him.Karn propose Rishabh 2 years ago and Rishabh happily accept him.They are happy with each other they use to go on dates.

Rishabh - Ok ok I'm up and he give a kiss on Karn cheeks and say I love you .

Karn - I love you too . Now get ready you have a meeting today.

He leaves after saying.

Rishabh - Thank you God for giving me this lovely bf says in minds.

Will Rishabh and Karn will stay happy together??
Only time will tell.
What will happen if destiny have other plans.
Share your thoughts in comments.

This is the first chapter I hope you like it.

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