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After 1 month

Its been one month Karn is not giving attention to Rishabh and fighting over little things.He is  coming home late,if Rishabh ask him what happen he always get angry in him,this behaviour of Karn is affecting Rishabh so much,he feel hurt by his behaviour and cry everyday.Its is also affected Risabh 's health.

Today Rishabh comes very late from his office he is going to his room then he hears some noise so he start looking where the voices are coming.

Rishabh saw Karn and preeta are talking suddenly Karn kiss Preeta this scene broke Rishabh heart and his phone fell out of his hands due to sudden Karn and Preeta look behind and got shock after seeing Rishabh there.


Karn - I love you preeta.

Preeta - I love you to Karan but you are in relationship with Rishabh so we can't be together.

Karn - Don't worry preeta I'm coming to breakup with him very soon. And he kiss preeta.


They both got shock to see Rishabh there.

Rishabh - How could you Karn,why you cheated on me and you Preeta I never thought you will do this with me.(crying)

Preeta - I'm so sorry Rishabh .

Karn - Rishabh I was coming to tell you this that I don't love you anymore,I love preeta now.

Rishabh - Are you pranking Karn?

Karn - No I'm not.

Rishabh - What happen Karn,we use to be happy together.

Karn - I'm sorry Rishabh but I love preeta now.I fell out of love with you.

Rishabh - No Karn,please dont do this I can't live without you.Please let's things work out .

Karn - I made up my mind Rishabh it's over between us.I want to be with preeta now.

Rishabh - How could you break my heart like this,I trusted you Karn,it's hurt so much.

Karn - I understand you Rishabh and I'm sorry this feel right to me so I think it good if we break up.
I hope you will find your happiness.

Rishabh - What about the plans we made together for our future?

Karn - I understand this is hard for you that why I'm saying let's break up and find your happiness I already find mine so move on Rishabh.

Rishabh slap karn tightly.

Rishabh - You are an asshole Karn,I hate you so much and I hate myself for love you unconditionally.

Rishabh went to his room and lock the room from inside and cry his heart out .

So that all for today.I hope you like it.

Don't hate Karn,I personally like karn ,it's just a story.

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