Chapter 1

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The taxi pulls over next to the curb in front of my new apartment building in L.A. I sign and open the door to look at the ratty old building standing in front of me. I grab my suitcases and roll them in the front entrance and get in the elevator to go up to the my floor. Of course, I have to be on the top floor. I get to my door and unlock it, swinging open the creaking door.

My apartment wasn't much for L.A. it had one bedroom and one bathroom and then an open room which contained the kitchen and a living area. Really, the only thing I liked about this apartment was the window which was over looking the city. Thank God for my sister, for she already set up all my funiture. All I had to do was unpack my clothes. I struggle to pick up my very heavy suitcase and set it on to my bed. I unzip the zipper and start placing all my clothes into my dresser when my phone starts singing Wings by Little mix, my ringtone, to me. I grab it and look at the caller I.D. seeing that it was my agent, Megan.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Scar, how has your first day in L.A. been?" she asks.

"Good, my apartment could use some fixing, but overall pretty good."

"Thats great! Well listen, I booked you your first job!" she exclaims.

"Awesome! What am I doing and when?" I ask.

"Well, to get you started off in this buisness, all I could get you was a duet. But, don't worry, most people don't even get this far, this fast! They want you to start next week!"

"That sounds great, who am I singing with?"

"That is still undecided. They had so many singers interested. I can tell you that it will be a boy though because this is a love song."

I groan and respond, "Okay, Megan. Thanks a ton! See you soon!" and with that, I hang up.


The plane lands in L.A. and I give a sigh of relief. As soon as the bells sounds letting us know we can get up and exit the plane I literally jump out of my seat. I walk down the long stairs off of the plane and onto the concrete ground and into the airport. Me and the boys stand waiting for our suitcases to come around. Once we all have received ours, we walk out to the the two black suburbans waiting for us. Me, Louis, and Liam in one and Niall, Zayn, and Simon in the other. I was so relieved to be off that plane.

We have just arrived at our 5 star hotel, nothing new. We grab our bags out of the suburbans and head up into the hotel. Our body guards were doing their jobs well as for their were hundreds of fans surrounding the hotel. We fight our way through the crowd and into the hotel. We finally reach our room and set our things down when my phone rings. I look at the caller I.D. and see that it is the studio that I had tried out at for a duet. Management has been wanting me to try some songs on my own without the boys. I wasn't really for it, but its management, what are you gonna do? I answer speaking with my normal husky voice, "Hello?"

"Hi Harry, this is Rosen Recording Studio and we would like to congratulate you, for you got the spot in the duet." a woman speaks.

"Wow, thank you. Who is the duet with?" I ask.

"A new singer, her name is Scarlett Reed. She is great. The love song has already been written and is a copy is being sent to you in the mail right now. We will want you two next week to start with recording. Thanks, Harry!"

"Okay sounds good. Have a good day!" I try to say in the nicest way possible, and with that I hang up.

(A/N: Scarlett is played by the one and only Vanessa Hudgens)

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