Chapter 18

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The boys finish their last song and then they rush off stage. Me and Harry were to finish off the show with "Love is all you need."

Harry comes straight over to me and rests his hands on my shoulders. "Remember what I told you." is all he says before taking my hand and leading us onto stage.

The crowd was incredible. There were thousands of fans. I look out and all I see are thousands of bobbing heads. I was almost positive there were more people in the crowd then there were in the town I am from.

The song was slow so instead of having me and Harry up on the stage running around and dancing, they had two stools placed in the center of the stage. We each sat in a stool and adjusted our microphones that were on stands in front of us. He looked at me and mouthed the words "just at me" to me. Telling me to look only at him.

I heard the music start playing and Harry start singing. I take several breaths just listening to the lyrics of the song. Little did I know that this song would pretty much describe me and Harry's relationship when we first started recording.

His voice was low and husky and everything was perfect about it. His voice had always stood out from the rest of the boys in the band.

Harry's verse was coming to an end, which meant mine was coming to a start. I take one last breath before looking up at him and clamping my hand around the microphone. I start my verse a little shaky but eventually come into it sounding fine. I don't take my eyes off of Harry the whole time I sing. I was starting to feel like we were back in the recording studio. The place we had first met.

My verse comes to an end and Harry starts to sing along with me. He looks out into the crowd so I decide to follow in his footsteps and do the same. There were dozens of eyes on us. Some looking just at me and some looking just at Harry.

We hit our last note and the song ends and people start to cheer louder then I've ever heard anyone cheer. I didn't think it could ever be this loud in one room but I've been proven wrong. I take a sigh of relief and Harry looks at me grabbing my hand and helping me up from my stool.

The boys rush out onto the stage to join me and Harry. We all loop our arms around eachothers shoulders and bow. The roars and cheering get louder. I could not help all my smiling. This moment was just so surreal.

The boys and I exit the stage and we all get in a group hug knowing we had just finished the first of 50+ concerts on this tour.


I whisper into Scarletts ear, "You were great."

She smiles and says, "You were pretty good too."

I smile and before I could speak any further she was up on her tippy toes kissing me.

She pulled away saying, "Not to hurt your feelings, but I don't think I'll have to look at you during that song anymore." she giggles, "I think I've got the hang of it."

And she was right. She never had to look at me again for the rest of the tour.

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