Chapter 15

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I sit on my couch drinking a cup of coffee just staring into space thinking about everything. I still had no idea who leaked the information to the press. I'm not sure if Harry told anyone, but I figured I needed to trust him and not push this relationship any further.

My phone starts ringing and I see it is a call from my sister. She had left to go back to Iowa a couple of days ago to work. She worked two half time jobs to raise enough money to keep herself going. When I was little she was working two half time jobs and dog walking for a little extra cash, now that I am no longer living with her, she ditched the dog walking.

"Hey, Mal." I answer.

"Hi sweets, how are you?" she asks.

"Fine. How about you?" I reply.

"Good, how are thing between you and Harry?" she asks.

"Okay, we had our first....I guess fight the other day."

"Oh? What about?" she asks.

"Well, it was about the story about mom and dad getting leaked. I thought it was him and I kind of attacked him on it and-" I was cut off.

"It was me." she says.

"What was you?" I question.

"I leaked it to the press." she says.

"Why would you do that?" my voice gets tense.

"Because, Scar, you had just attacked a reporter and it didn't look good, they should at least know why you did it."

All this time I was freaking out about my story getting realeased and I didn't realize how this could of helped my situation.

"I never thought of it like that. So, I guess....thanks?" I say

She giggles. "Your welcome, Scar. I got to get going but I love you." She finishes and hangs up.


Simon had called me in to his office to talk to him. Simon was One Direction's mentor on the X Factor and ever since he has been our go to man about everything. I wasn't sure what this was going to be about. I figured it was going to be about "my image" and how Scarlett slapping the reported was not helping it. I swear if he said something like that, I might go off.

I walk into his office and see him sitting behind a big wooden desk. I sit in the seat in front of his desk and stare at him waiting for him to say something.

"Harry I know exactly what your thinking. You think I'm going to say to break up with Scarlett?" he says.

"If you say it. I will walk out. And I will not come back." I say in firm tone.

He chuckles and I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "No, Harry. I have good news." he says. "Your song with Scarlett has been very popular. Its been rising on the charts like crazy. People are requesting that you sing it on the tour."

"I can't and won't sing it without Scarlett, Simon." I state

"Boy, let me finish. You always were very impatient." I give him a look. "Management and I have been talking, and we want Scarlett to join you boys on tour."

I smile and say, "Girlfriends are always off limits on the tour." I say in confusion.

"We consider this girlfriend part of the band in this case. We and your fans would love for her to come."

I try to hide my excitement from Simon and say, "Don't say anything to her about this. I want to surprise her."

Simon stood up, as did I and he took my hand shaking it firmly saying, "As long as you get her to agree, my lips are sealed."

(A/N: After I finish this story, I will be writing a Zayn Malik fanfic called Remember Me. Starring Selena Gomez as Emma and Zayn Malik as himself :D)

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