Chapter 17

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I could not sleep at all. The excitement was taking over me. I was up and ready to go by 5:00 in the morning. Our flight left at 8 and it is 7:15 right now and Megan was coming to pick me up. Megan was going on tour with us as well because she was my manager and she knew what to do if anything happened to me. 

I went out to Megans car and she smiled at me, "Excited?" she asks me. 

"I didn't sleep last night." was my response as I buckle my seat belt. 

She laughs and starts driving down the street towards the airport. 

We made small talk the whole way there, but when we pulled into the airport parking lot my eyes lit up. I can't even explain my excitement. I saw the boys all standing around with their luggage. I immediately got out of the car and ran over to Harry and jumped in his arms. 

"Whoa. Someones happy to see me." he says

I giggle and say, "I'm sooooooo excited." I sound i'm on a caffeine high, but I haven't had any caffeine at all. I've hardly even slept so shouldn't I be dead right now?

"I'm glad." he says as he holds me in his arms, my legs wrapped around his torso. 

"By the way, I love you." I whisper into his ear. The memory of last night coming back to me. I had told Harry I loved him last night which is a huge step. 

"And I love hearing you say that." he says. I smile and get down from him. I go back to Megans car and grab my luggage out of the back and carry it over to where all the boys were standing. 

The airport attendants grab our bags and load them into our private jet. We load onto the jet and find spots to sit. Of course, I sat next to Harry and he immediately wrapped his arm around me. 

The jet takes off and about 5 minutes into the ride, the whole 'not sleeping' thing took its tole. I snuggled up into Harry and crashed.


The jet lands in London, where our first show was. Scarlett was still crashed, so I pick her up bridal style and carry her off the jet and into one of the cars. I gently set her down on a seat. How the hell she was still asleep was a miracle to me. 

I grab both mine and her bags and bring them to the car and set them in the trunk. I climb in and set her head up to rest on me again. Megan climbs in the back next to me and we start to the hotel we would be staying at for the day. 


Our first show was in a matter of a few hours and we were already at the arena in which we would perform setting up equipment and getting our wardrobe set and getting our makeup done and over with. 

Scarlett was loving all this. The clothes, the makeup, everything. As for me and the boys were so use to it that we had grown to get annoyed with it. 

When show time came, we could hear the fans from all the way backstage. They were so loud. This concert had sold out within a few minutes. 

I was searching everywhere for Scarlett but could not find her. I run into Megan and ask her if she knew where Scarlett was and she told me that she said she was going to the bathroom. 

I go up to the womans bathroom door and knock on it. I hear a gagging sound coming from inside. I open the swinging door and say, "Scarlett, are you in here?"

"Yeah, i'll be out in a second." she says running out of breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask. 

That was when I heard another gagging sound and liquid falling into the toliet. I burst through the door to see Scarlett on her knees throwing up into the toliet. I kneel down next to her.

"Scar, your obviously sick. We need to get you back to the hotel." I say

"No, Harry, honestly I just do this when i'm nervous. I heard all those fans and I freaked." she replies.

"You don't need to be nervous. You will do amazing." I say

"What if I screw up?" she asks.

"Listen, I want you to go out there and look at me the whole time, just like we did when we recorded togther. "

She smiles, "Ok, i'll try."

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