Chapter 5

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I slowly open my eyes and reach out for my nightstand to get my phone but I can't find it. I open my eyes to see there is no nightstand there. I look around. Wait my room is not this color? I sit up and remember that I had fallen asleep in Harrys arms last night. I slowly get out of the bed noticing that I am also still wearing the same clothes I was last night. I walk out of the room and out into the open kitchen. I see Harry, shirtless, cooking God only knows on the stove. I smile at him recognizing that his hair is a complete mess. "Goodmoring." He says.

"Mornin'," I reply.

"Sleep well?" He asks. 

"Yeah, thanks. You?" I reply.

"Okay, the sofa isn't exactly the most comfortable place in the world." He chuckles. 

He slept on the sofa? Why was it that I assumed he had slept in the bed with me? Scarlett, snap out of it, he has a girlfriend. Oh my God, he has a girlfriend. Why did I sleep here? Taylor was going to be pissed. I get a frantic look on my face as I dart to put on my shoes. Harry looks down at me. "Where are you going?" He asks, disappointment in his voice. 

"I ummmm, I have to go." I stutter in response.

"Well, last night was a lot of fun. I'd love to do it again soon." He says.

"Yeah it was, but Harry, I don't think we can do all this again." I say waving my hands in a circular motion. 

"Why not?" He asks his voice full of sorrow.

"Harry, you have a girlfriend and..." I was interuppted by the sound of my phone ringing. "I have to go" i repeat to Harry and I open the door and leave.


And with that she was gone. I had wanted to explain everything to her. How the whole Haylor thing wasn't real, how management is ruining my life, everything, but she was gone before I could. 

Shortly after Scarlett had left the boys all came piling through my door. Of course they came for the leftover chinese I had told them about. All of them grabbing a carton of it, Niall grabbing two. They piled on my couch and flipped the tv on. 

Louis being the guy he is, notices something is up with me. "Boobear, whats wrong?" he asks.

The boys are the only ones that know about Haylor being fake, besides management. "Management is ruining my life with this Haylor thing." I say flat out. 

"Then end it, to hell with management. They don't run our lives, Haz." Louis replies.

"They are suppose to make One Direction bigger then its ever been though, Lou, and if this is the way, I don't want to let you and the boys down."

"Haz, as long as I got the four of you, I could care less about being big and famous. And I hate seeing you unhappy. Do what you want and break up with that bitch." Louis chuckles. 

I sigh. Then I remember I have to make an appereance at the MTV music awards tonight with Taylor. I groan and text Taylor.

"Hey we have to make an apperence on the red carpet tonight before the music awards. - Harry"

Thats when an idea pops into my head. The most perfect idea that would make everything okay between me and Scar.


Its around 7 o'clock at night and I have been sitting in my apartment doing absolutely nothing all day long. I have been flipping through the channels on the tv, getting up and pacing, flipping through the channels on the tv, and getting up and pacing some more. Thoughts ran through my head like wildfire. I have never opened up to someone like that, not even Megan knows how my parents died and know Harry does, a boy I had meet a week ago. Ughh, I sit down and flip on MTV remembering the music awards were on tonight. Its red carpet time as I watch tons of musical stars talking to reporters. After about 30 minutes into the show, I see a familar curly haired boy come up to the screen hand in hand with....Taylor Swift.

"Well, Well, Well, what do we have here. The one and only Haylor." The reporter says.

"Hi, Kim." Taylor says in her high pitched peppy voice. Ughhh. I am ssuming the reporters name was Kim.

"Tell me, what are your secrets to being one of Hollywoods biggest couples?" Kim asks.

"Well, Kim, there isn't really a secret to our relationship." Harry states, Taylor smiling. "Our relationship is made up of management forcing me to date a witch like her." Harry says smiling in total honesty. 

Taylors eyes pop out of her head, a little like mine were doing at the same moment. Kim stutters as she speaks, in total shock from what had just happened. "Umm well folks, there ya have it. Harry Styles and Taylor Swift," she pauses for a momenet before speaking again, "Totally in love." she ends her sentence. I laugh so hard at this for some reason. I don't know if its because I feel awkward or because I was totally wrong about Harry this whole time. But for some reason, I cannot stop laughing. 


"What the hell was that, Harry?!" Taylor spats at me when we are alone and off camera. 

"Just thought the world should know the truth." I reply.

"You may have just ruined both our careers you know." 

"Good, because you," I point my finger at her, "Have been ruining my life and I needed to get out of this relationship."

"What do you mean 'out of this relationship'? We are not breaking up it will ruin us." She spats at me again.

"Oh yes we are, because we NEVER were even going out in the first place. You can tell the press you ended it, I ended it, I really don't give a fuck anymore as long as I am away from you." I almost yell at her. 

She stomps away and into the arena where the awards were going to be taking place, but I don't follow her. I needed to find Scarlett. 

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