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The dusty lightbulb dangled overhead, eerily flickering and swinging back and forth in the dimly lit interrogation room. Chills ran down my spine. Lorena sat in a wooden chair, her legs trembling as she gripped the sides of the weathered wood. Her dark hair had fallen in front of her face as if she were hiding the sadness and sorrow buried within.

As soon as we walked in, Lorena's eyes widened as they landed on Mark and me. Her gaze bore into us as she relayed the chilling news in a shaky voice, "The Crimson Lake Killer," she sobbed, her words heavy with dread, "He's chosen us as his next targets." Her eyes glossy and tearful as she recounted the horrifying encounter.

She lowered her gaze to the linoleum floor while her shaky hands fidgeted in her lap.

She continued recounting the ordeal, "He dragged me from my car," she choked out between sobs, "and he promised to hunt down every last one of us."

The memory sent shivers racing down my spine, and a cold dread settled in the pit of my stomach.

Despite the information Lorena relayed, the Irvine Police and their detectives found no evidence that corroborated her story, particularly the part where the Crimson Lake Killer revealed his intent to target our sorority next.

Nevertheless, we were urged to remain vigilant. The day after Lorena's near abduction, the university began to take the Crimson Lake Killer's reign over our quaint college town much more seriously. So, they distributed complimentary cans of pepper spray and mace to all students on campus.

Suddenly, my mind snapped back to the present, and I glanced down at the smartwatch strapped to my wrist, peeping the time.

11:30 AM

Steve promised me he'd be over by 12:00 PM so we could head downtown and grab a bite to eat for lunch. He was also eager to give me the deets of his investigation into John. And I couldn't wait to spill the beans on Mark driving a high-end sports car with Patricia riding shotgun.

I shifted my head while leaning on the arm of the sofa and gazed out the window. The golden-colored leaves swayed gently in the wind as they hung from tree branches. It was definitely another chilly Autumn Saturday afternoon.

As I lay there, consumed with my thoughts, my phone chimed as it sat on the end table. I shot up and grabbed it, eyeing the notification that popped up on my screen.

Steve: Hey, I'm outside. Are you ready?

I swiftly tapped out a response.

Kayla: Yep! Heading out now.

Quickly, I sprang up from the couch, my feet meeting the cold hardwood floor. I slipped on my sneakers, pulled my cozy Cal State Irvine sweater over my head, and snatched my keys from the hook by the door.

Stepping outside, I closed and locked the door behind me, the metallic click echoing into the quiet afternoon. The autumn breeze swayed against me as I descended the pavement toward the parking lot. Squinting against the sun's rays, I scanned the front of the apartment building and soon spotted Steve in his beat-up sedan, parked just outside the Blossom Fields apartment complex.

"Hey, Steve!" I greeted as I grabbed the handle and swung open the car door.

"Hi, Kayla! Where do you want to eat?" He gazed at me as I settled into his car. I pulled the seatbelt strap over my body and buckled myself in.

"I'm in the mood for a nice, big, juicy burger." I expressed, brushing a few loose strands of my curly hair out of my face.

"How about Jack's Burger & Grill?"

A Deadly Sorority (Book #1 Sorority Horrors)Where stories live. Discover now