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In the back room of the sorority house, I settled onto the large beige leather couch, still reeling from the surprise birthday party. I couldn't believe that Kennedy, Patricia, and Mark thought it was a good idea to stage a true crime scenario, pretending to put one of my good sorority sisters in harm's way.

What were they thinking?!

I mean, seriously, pretending that Patricia was abducted, or maybe even killed by the Crimson Lake Killer, was not a prank anyone would want played on them.

A flame of rage rose in my chest as I replayed the events in my mind, trying to understand their twisted sense of fun. As the tension within me was growing, Mom happened to stroll into the room, plopping beside me on the couch.

"Kayla, I realize you're upset," Mom said in a compassionate tone while still holding her glass of wine, "But remember, we still have to live our lives." She placed her free hand over mine, comforting me. "Initially, I was terrified and wanted you back home with me in Sedona. However, after I spoke with Detective Jones, he calmed my fears and assured me he'd keep you and the other sorority girls safe."

My eyes widened. "Really, Mom?"

I wondered what had gotten into her. Why was she suddenly alright with me living in a town haunted by a serial killer? She was one of the most overprotective parents I knew. I had barely been allowed to attend prom, and that was only because a senior member of our high school prom coordination team agreed to watch over me. I also suspect Mom slipped her a $50 bill, promising she'd bring me home safe and sound before midnight.

Mom's words began to sink in. Maybe she was right. I had been so caught up in the Crimson Lake Killer's antics that I totally forgot today was my birthday, but who could blame me? He was targeting me and my sorority sisters.

Mom's smile faltered. "If you'd like, you can come back to Sedona with me."

I shook my head. "No, Mom. I love it here in Irvine. The Crimson Lake Killer's case is intriguing, and I want to help solve it." I admitted.

Mom's eyes widened. "How are you going to help solve it, Kayla? You're not an FBI agent just yet." Mom reminded me.

" I know." I rolled my eyes up toward the ceiling, "But crime is something that fascinates me! And I want to be a part of solving it."

"You're a little too fascinated, I think, Kayla." Mom's eyes bore into me as a thought seemed to come to her. "You're moving into the sorority house, right? Detective Jones assured me you'd be living there now under the safety of the 24-hour security they're providing."

I nodded. "Yes, Mom. I'm moving into the sorority house. I would've already moved in if they hadn't pulled that prank on me." I sighed.

"Why weren't you in the sorority house to begin with? You did pledge, after all." Mom's eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, I didn't initially intend to pledge until I met Lorena. After I did, I was stuck in that apartment lease with Lorena and Sandra."

"What happened to Sandra?"

"She moved out," I informed Mom, hiding the fact that she had moved in with John. Sandra wanted to keep it a secret; I couldn't blame her. If Mom found out I moved in with a guy during my first year of college, I'd never hear the end of it.

Kennedy walked into the room with a piece of a cucumber sandwich in her hand. Her eyes widened when she spotted Mom and me. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Mom and I shook our heads.

"No, just discussing my plans to move into the sorority house," I offered.

Mom's gaze shifted to Kennedy. "So, Kennedy, will you be moving in as well?"

Kennedy shook her head, "No, I'm not in the sorority. I decided not to pledge because I have other activities to which I must dedicate my time, especially track and field."

Mom gasped. "Where do you live now? Is it safe?"

Kennedy nodded, "I live in a dorm on campus with 24-hour security," she informed Mom. "And Irvine has issued a curfew since the Crimson Lake Killer's return. We all have to be in before 9:00 PM."

Mom's tension dissipated as she lowered and relaxed her shoulders. "Thank God!" she replied in a relieved voice. "Irvine seems to be taking really good care of you all."

My thigh buzzed as my phone vibrated in my jeans pocket. I quickly pulled it out, glancing nervously at the screen.

Lorena: So, what's up? Any more info on Steve?

I tilted my head back and sighed, realizing I hadn't had time to finish digging up dirt on him.

Kayla: So much has happened, Lorena. It's been crazy around here. I'll have to call you to catch up soon, but right now, I'm super busy. We'll talk tomorrow!

Lorena: Sounds good. Just stay safe and keep your distance from Steve.

"Who are you texting?" Mom inquired, taking a gentle sip of her wine.

"Lorena," I replied. "I met her on my first day here."

Mom nodded, acknowledging my comment just as Detective Jones strolled in.

"Hi again, ladies," he greeted in his firm, stoic tone.

Our gazes shifted over to him.

Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his slacks, he leaned his shoulder against the doorway. "We have some updated information regarding the man who disrupted the Winter Ball," he informed. "It wasn't the Crimson Lake Killer. It was a fellow student by the name of Cooper Brown who decided to employ tactics similar to those of the Crimson Lake Killer."

My mouth hung agape. "I know Cooper!" I announced in shock. "He was in my Criminology 101 course at the start of the year."

Detective Jones met my gaze. "Were you friends with him?"

I vigorously shook my head. "No. Never." I widened my eyes. "I thought he was a bit strange, though."

"Well, did you catch him?" Mom asked, scooting up on the couch and looking at Detective Jones as if he were a savior who would protect us from the haunting crimes committed by the Crimson Lake Killer.

"Yes," he stated. "However, we don't believe he's a threat. He meant it as an immature joke without thinking it through. But it was indeed not a joke."

"Why did he smear blood on all of our doors?" I inquired, furrowing my brows as curiosity filled me within.

Detective Jones sighed. "Here's the thing," he explained. "Cooper may have pranked everyone at the Winter Ball, but the Crimson Lake Killer is the one who smeared the blood on all of your doors. Cooper is harmless, though he will face consequences for his stupid acts. We still know for a fact that the Crimson Lake Killer is after those in the Alpha Sigma Chi sorority."

I gulped. Just when I thought it was all a prank, it wasn't. Only the Winter Ball portion, at least.

The Crimson Lake Killer was still after us, intent on capturing and torturing us just as he did with all his other victims. But I was just as determined to stop him, no matter what it took. My dad may have been murdered, but I will not let another Collins be ruthlessly taken from this earth—not without a fight.

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