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"Patricia!" I yelled into the phone, my voice echoing in the silence. There was no response. My heart was a drum, pounding wildly in my chest.

Pressing my thumb down on the screen, I hastily disconnected the call and dialed 9-1-1. My fingers slid across the screen as my nerves ignited a frenzy of anxiety within. Clutching the phone tight to my ear, I impatiently waited for an operator to pick up.

"C'mon!" I muttered in frustration.

"Irvine Police Department, what's your emergency?" a woman's voice answered, calm and steady like the root of a tree planted firmly in the ground.

"There's an emergency at the sorority house on campus!" I spoke in haste, my words tripping over each other. "Please help! My friend Patricia is being attacked!" My voice trembling at the thought of Patricia being unable to escape the assailant.

What if it's the Crimson Lake Killer?

I gulped, worrying for her safety. An image of the madman popped into my head. His black glove slapped tightly over her mouth, preventing her from screaming further. He takes out a sharp blade, pointing it at her throat. 

I shook my head, "No!" as I tried to remove the disturbing image of the sadistic psychopath from my mind. 

"Is everything alright over there?" the operator inquired concerningly.

"Yes," I answered confidently.

"Do you have a description of the attacker?"

"No!" I replied as a feeling of helplessness crept over me.

"Is your friend injured?"

"I don't know!" I cried out, my frustration boiling over. "I was just on the phone with her, and I heard her being attacked! She didn't respond to me, so I think something happened to her." A tear flowed down my cheek. "Please, the Crimson Lake Killer is targeting our sorority!"

"Please, miss, calm down for me," she instructed with a sense of compassion. "The police are on their way."

Just then, I had an idea. Tilting my head, I gazed at my phone and decided to text one of my sorority sisters so they could check in on Patricia and make sure she was alright and out of harm's way. 

Kayla: Hey Brianna! Are you at the sorority house?

Brianna: No, why? 🤨

Kayla: I'm scared. I think Patricia is in danger!

Brianna: What!?

Kayla: I was just on the phone with her. She let out a scream, and the background noise sounded like she was in a struggle. I called out her name, but she didn't respond....Are you at the sorority house right now?

Brianna: No, I'm not at the house right now, and after what you told me, I'm definitely not going back to that house alone. I'll call campus security...

Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh of relief. 

I realized I could've called campus security herself instead of reaching out to Brianna, but it would have taken me way longer to track down the appropriate point of contact. And since Brianna lived at the sorority house, she already had that information.

Kayla: Thank you, Brianna! Let me know if they find anything.

Brianna: Yep, sure thing.

Setting my phone down on the coffee table, I rose from the couch and stretched my arms above my head as I yawned. I was exhausted and worn out from a long day and a long week, so I decided to take a nice, hot shower.

A Deadly Sorority (Book #1 Sorority Horrors)Where stories live. Discover now