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Detective Johnson arrived on the scene within minutes, wearing his signature brown suit and cream-colored tie. I gulped, knowing that something significant must have happened; otherwise, why would Detective Johnson be here? He must have gotten word of it somehow. All I could think about that the moment was Steve. Hoping against hope that he was gonna be ok.

Detective Johnon strolled into the dormitory, followed by a plethora of additional officers suited up in their signature Irvine Police uniforms, he swiftly spotted us in the distance. His eyes piercing into mine.

He must think I'm a bad luck charm; whenever something that involves the Crimson Lake Killer goes down, I'm always front and center.

He began marching our way, his face etched with seriousness, and the sound of his brown loafers clicking against the linoleum floor sent a shiver down my spine.

"Hi, ladies." He greeted, his face stern like a hardened rock and his eyes a brown well of seriousness, "Are you all alright?" He inquired, holding up his hands expressively. "Did any of you get attacked?" His gaze shifted between Brianna, Patricia, and me. 

We shook our heads.

"Did you call the detective?" Patricia's head turned toward me.

I shook my head, "No."

"I'm here because we got an anonymous call alerting us that the Crimson Lake Killer may possibly be in this building." Detective Johnson said, "Did any of you call us?"

All three of us shook our heads, "No." we replied. 

"How long have you all been here?" He asked, "And why are you all in a boy's dormitory?"

"We just got here, Detective." I informed him, "I was on the phone with Steve, and he yelled for help. I felt powerless; there was nothing I could do." I explained frantically, "So, I told Patricia and Brianna what happened, and Patricia offered to drive us here to check on Steve."

"Wait a minute," Detective Johnson requested while pulling out a notepad from the front pocket of his suit jacket along with a blue pen, "Who is Steve?"

"Steve Gregory." I replied, "He's a senior at Cal State Irvine." I offered, my voice shaky as my mind spun up images of what could've possibly happened to Steve. My mind mimicked a photography machine. An image of a knife plunged into the depths of Steve's heart popped up in my head like a groundhog's head bursting through the ground on Groundhog Day. 

I pinched my eyes, shaking my head, trying desperately to throw out the image, "No, it's not true." I muttered to myself.

"Kayla?!" Brianna shouted, concern evident in her tone, "What's wrong?"

"Are you alright?" Detective Johnson asked, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Opening my eyes, I nodded, "Yes, sorry. I'm just scared something bad may have happened to Steve."

"Kayla, are you alright?" Brianna said, her lips diving into a frown, "You're not acting like yourself." She insisted.

"Brianna, I'm fine." I reassured, "Sorry, I just had these scary images pop up in my head."

"What kind of scary images?" Patricia asked, folding her arms across her chest with her eyes boring into me.

"Of Steve." I replied, "I imagined the Crimson Lake Killer killed him."

Brianna gasped, "Kayla, enough."

"OK, girls. Let's get back to business, please." Detective Johnson interjected, "Do any of you know which dorm room he stays in?" He asked us.

"It's the top floor. I think it's 521." I replied, my eyes feeling heavy and sullen.

Soon, a medium-height officer with an afro walked toward us and leaned down, whispering into Detective Johnson's ear. Detective Johnson then nodded at the officer. 

"Ladies, this is Officer Daniels." He gestured toward the officer beside him.

"Hi," the Officer Daniels waved slightly.

"Hi." We all said in unison.

"He's going to take you back to his patrol car." Detective Johnson instructed, "He will ensure your safety, so please follow him. I'll meet up with you after we check out this dorm." 

We all nodded nervously. 

"Will you let us know if Steve is alright?" I asked before being hauled off with Officer Daniels. 

"Yes, of course I will." He promised. 

"OK, are you all ready to come with me?" Officer Daniels asked, gazing down at us with a half smile on his face. 

"Yeah." We replied. 

"OK, follow me." 

Detective Johnson gave us a reassuring nod and walked toward the elevator where he would make his way up to the fifth floor with the goal of inspecting Steve's dorm room with five officers assisting him. They all scrambled into the elevator together.

Brianna, Patricia, and I followed directly behind Officer Daniels as we exited the double doors. The sunlight's rays hit us like a laser beam at an arcade as we made our way to the parking lot. 

We stopped in front of a police vehicle with its blue and red lights flashing atop.

Officer Daniels swung open the back door and pointed into the car, "You ladies can step inside." 

Brianna's eyes met mine, with a look of confusion spreading across her face.

"Why are we getting into the back of a police vehicle?" Patricia questioned. 

"It's only for the interim," Officer Daniels promised, "Until Detective Johnson is done inspecting the dorm." 

Patricia sighed heavily, frustrated and annoyed. 

We all slid onto the black leather seats, and Officer Daniels slammed the door shut. Then he stood on the side of the police vehicle, staring off at the building. 

"I don't like this." Patricia commented, her eyes frantically darting around, "It feels like they're taking us to jail." 

Brianna rolled her eyes in annoyance, "C'mon Patricia, this is not the time to be scared. Detective Johnson is only trying to protect us."

"He's a good guy!" I added, "His help has been instrumental in keeping me and all of us safe."

Suddenly, Officer Daniels grabbed the side of his neck, a large knife protruding from it as blood spurted out like water from a fire hydrant.

Patricia screamed and my heart bounced against my ribcage. 

In my peripheral vision, I spotted someone at our window. I turned my head, eyes fixed on the window, where a mysterious figure with a black rag over their head was banging on the back windows, their hands bloody and a clean knife in their grasp. Brianna and I let out a blood-curdling scream.

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