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My heart flip-flopped in my chest, erratically beating against my ribcage as we watched the figure stroll toward us. They carried a large black box in their hands, hiding their face from view.

Stepping back, a few leaves crunched underneath my feet. I reached my shaky hand out and grabbed a hold of Steve's shirt, pulling him toward me.

"Oh my, God, Steve!" I cried, "He's gonna kill us!" My voice trembling.

He swiftly stepped in front of me, protecting me. He warned the figure as it loomed toward us.

"Leave us the hell alone!" Steve yelled, his voice echoing through the night.

"Hey, Kayla," a soft-spoken woman's voice greeted.

I gasped.

"It's me, Monique."

Placing my hand on my clavicle, I felt the steady rhythm of my heartbeat thumping against my fingertips.

I sighed, "What?!" I asked rhetorically in disbelief.

"It's me, Monique," She stated once more, "From the Crime Ladies Podcast."

"Monique?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"Yeah." She replied as she delicately set the black box down in front of her, revealing her petite figure with long curls draped over her shoulders.

"We thought you were the Crimson Lake Killer." I breathed a sigh of relief.

She chuckled as she wiped her hands on her jeans, ridding them of the collected dust.

"No, I'm definitely not the Crimson Lake Killer, guys."

The tension slowly melted away from my body, like rainwater flowing down a street drain.

"Monique, that black box you're lugging around made you look like some stranger poised to hurl it at us," Steve declared, his voice tinged with unease. "And with how pitch-black it is out here, we could barely even recognize you."

"Yeah, you terrified us," I admitted.

Monique let out a soft giggle. "Those are my LED lights," she informed. "I apologize; I didn't mean to scare you two."

Steve shrugged, "It's alright. But you should be careful. This is the Crimson Lake's Killer territory, after all."

"I know," Monique replied. "That's why we're here. It'll add great allure to my podcast."

Monique knelt and hit the switch on one of the black boxes she placed on the pavement earlier. Suddenly, a thick splash of light spiraled through the dark forest, illuminating it so brightly it almost appeared as if the sun were making its morning entrance, shining down on earth.

Monique positioned herself in front of the light. Her dark brown curly hair and her blue jeans hugged her body tightly.

"I'm not a listener," Steve announced, "But I know Kayla here is a big fan." He shifted his head, gazing down at me.

"I am!" I exclaimed, flashing a wide-toothed smile, "I absolutely love the Crime Ladies Podcast."

Monique smiled, "I'm so happy to hear that." She said as she reached into the pocket of her blue jeans and pulled out a mini microphone.

"Here," she said, handing me the mini microphone. "You'll need to wear this during our interview."

"Where do I put it?" I asked, grasping it out of her hand.

"Clip it onto the top of your t-shirt."

I peered down at it and noticed the metal clip on the back. I clipped it onto my shirt as Monique had instructed.

"Where's my mic?" Steve asked, glancing between me and Monique with a confused look etched on his face. We both gave him blank stares, and he let out a laugh.

"Just joking!" he said, still chuckling.

Monique ignored him and continued setting up our interview space. Her long curls cascaded in a flowy wave down her back as she arranged the area. She picked up a chair and unfolded it, positioning it on the pavement. Then, she did the same with a second chair.

"You can have a seat over there," Monique raised her hand, pointing toward one of the gray folding chairs. I sank into the soft padded seat and scanned the area, still on edge.

As I settled in, I observed Monique as she retrieved her iPad from her backpack. Then, she sat down across from me.

"OK, are you ready to get started?" She inquired, her hazel eyes meeting mine.

I nodded, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

Steve looked on as he stood beside a railing overlooking the lake.

Reading off her iPad, Monique began the podcast.

"Welcome, fellow crime enthusiasts, to the Crime Ladies Podcast! I'm your host, Monique, and coming to you live right from South Lake. The infamous dumping ground of the Crimson Lake Killer." she spoke with an eerie tone while her gaze fixed on the iPad screen, and her voice resonated through the microphone.

"Joining me today is a special guest, Kayla Collins, a student at Cal State Irvine. Say Hello to our audience, Kayla!"

Nervously, I stammered, "Uh.. He.. Hello!"

Monique smiled, "Don't be nervous." She encouraged.

My phone suddenly chimed in my lap. I gazed down at it, and my eyes widened in surprise.

Incoming Call: Detective Johnson

Why is he calling me so late? It must be super important.

Without further thought, I quickly answered the call, tapping the green icon as if my life depended on it. Then, I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello, Detective Johnson." I greeted swiftly.

Monique's face contorted into confusion, "You can't talk on the phone while I'm interviewing you." She warned.

Blocking the speaker part of the phone with my hand, I whispered to her, "This is an important call. It's the detective working on my case."

Monique nodded her head to confirm she understood.

"Kayla, are you there?" Detective Johnson's raspy voice came through the line.

"Yes. Yes, I am." I confirmed.

"We have an update regarding your car. We now have solid evidence that ties it back to the Crimson Lake Killer."

I gulped, feeling a surge of unease. Monique's eyes met mine, filled with empathy, as if she could sense the inner turmoil brewing within me.

"You'll need to come down to the station first thing in the morning." Detective Johnson instructed.

"Is everything okay?" Monique inquired, her voice tinged with concern. "You don't look so good."

I shook my head, "No, I'm not well."

"What's going on?" Monique inquired, furrowing her brows as she set her iPad down on the top of her backpack. 

"It was Detective Johnson," I informed her, "He needs me down at the station first thing tomorrow morning."

Monique stood up from her chair, stepping closer toward me, "What did he say?!" She asked, her eyes widening in curiosity. 

"He didn't say much." I admitted, "But I'm scared." I said, my voice trembling, "The Crimson Lake Killer is after me. He wants me dead."

A Deadly Sorority (Book #1 Sorority Horrors)Where stories live. Discover now