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While I sat in my most intriguing college course, Criminology 101, my ears were open, and my eyes alert

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While I sat in my most intriguing college course, Criminology 101, my ears were open, and my eyes alert. However, it was difficult for other students to focus due to the heat circulating around the room like a wind machine at full speed. With my elbow planted on my desk and my chin cradled in the palm of my hand, I felt bullets of sweat accumulating near my hairline. Despite my discomfort, I was determined to soak up all the information my brain could hold.

"Why isn't the A/C on?" demanded a male student with a ponytail, scanning the classroom.

Professor Stanley, a short, stocky woman with frizzy brown hair, twiddled with her fingers as her gaze shifted to him, "Unfortunately..."

Before she could finish her sentence, another male student in the back with dreadlocks shouted, "We need A/C! Now!"

She directed her attention to the entire class and announced, "Students, please. I know it's hot in here, but..."

A petite female student with long black hair interrupted, "It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes! I am getting so hot I want to take my clothes off!" she sang, snapping her fingers and bobbing her head. The class erupted in laughter.

"Young lady!" Professor Stanley's face scrunched in anger, " I'll send you to the dean's office for inappropriate and vulgar language!" She threatened.

I peered at the girl and watched her giggle at our professor's threat.

Another student chimed in, "You can't do that! She's just singing a song by Nelly."

The classroom erupted into separate discussions, with people whispering and chatting among themselves.

"Students, calm down!" Professor Stanley's loud voice cut through the chatter, commanding everyone's attention. "Maintenance won't be out until later today to fix the A/C. Hopefully, it will be fixed before tomorrow. Now, let's move on to our next lesson."

Professor Stanley cleared her throat. "We'll be moving on to discuss the Crimson Lake Killer." My eyes lit up, and, along with the other students in the class, my focus sharpened as she began to speak about the notorious killer.

"He's the only serial killer and criminal, I should add, in the history of Irvine, who has never been caught," she informed us.

"He earned his name as the Crimson Lake Killer due to his method of disposing of his victims. He dumped their lifeless bodies into South Lake, a popular recreational spot in the Irvine area frequented by many teens and young adults. The bodies he disposed of would create a crimson hue that covered the lake's surface." She explained.

The male student with the ponytail who complained about the A/C being turned off raised his hand.

"Yes, Cooper?" Professor Stanley called on him.

"So, did he dump all his victims into the lake?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

Professor Stanley shook her head, "No, he didn't." She explained, "Initially, that was his way of tormenting the community. Specifically those who frequented the lake. But bodies were discovered all around Irvine."

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