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Waking, I opened my eyes to the gentle touch of the sun's rays filtering through my window's flimsy, worn-out blinds. Stretching my arms above my head, I let out a sleepy yawn and rose out of bed. Another cozy Saturday morning had arrived.

"Crime Ladies Podcast tonight at South Lake, midnight."

My eyes shot wide open. Patricia's oval-shaped brown eyes bore into me as her image and voice swiftly materialized in my head.

"Don't be late." She smirked.

I gulped as the realization hit me. Tonight was the night, and it would be anything other than cozy.

My heart quickened, and a wave of nausea washed over me. I would have to venture out to South Lake, the secluded and eerie body of water where the Crimson Lake Killer had disposed of his last two victims, upholding my promise to Monique.

The mere thought of stepping into the Crimson Lake Killer's shadow sent a shiver of unease through me. And I couldn't help but think of what other horrors lurked beneath the lake's murky depth.

Abruptly, my phone chimed on the wooden nightstand, jolting me from my thoughts. I snatched it up, clutching it in my hand.

Patricia: Mornin', Kayla! Let's grab a bit to eat at the campus cafe on the east side.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I responded back.

Kayla: Sure. Is this about my interview with your sister, Monique? 

Patrica: Sorta. I wanna give you a heads-up about some things. 

Kayla: Alright. When's a good time?

Patricia: Now, before breakfast is over. I love their omelets over at that cafe. 😋

Kayla: OK, I'll get dressed now and head on over there.

Patricia: Awesome! See ya soon.

I quickly threw the blankets off of my body and rose from the bed, my feet landing on the cold hardwood floor. Stretching my arms above my head, I yawned as curious thoughts about what Patricia wanted to discuss bounced around in my head. 

I wonder if it's about the Crimson Lake Killer?

I quickly slipped into a pair of jeans and pulled a faded black hoodie over my head before strolling out of my apartment. The campus café was about fifteen minutes away. I headed there with a sense of dire anticipation, curious as to what information Patricia would divulge.

When I arrived, I noticed how empty it was.Most students were probably sleeping in, given it was a Friday, and most students despised Friday classes, especially the morning ones.

I scanned the place, noticing the two cafeteria ladies behind the counter and one student huddled in the back of the cafe, wrapped in a blue coat, nibbling away on a breakfast burrito as if he were a mouse silently chewing a stolen piece of food. 

I made my way to the front of the counter while I patiently waited for Patricia. Peeking at the smartwatch on my wrist. It was already 10:00 AM. 

Where is she?

The cashier gazed my way and met me at the counter. A white top hat on her head read "Student Cafe" in black letters. Her frazzled gray hair was oily, as if she hadn't watched it in months, and the strands hung low beneath the hat. 

"Hi, how can I help you?" The woman asked in a stoic tone, reminding me of the mean cafeteria ladies I had to interact with during my time at Sedona Middle School. Their smiles were always nonexistent. 

A Deadly Sorority (Book #1 Sorority Horrors)Where stories live. Discover now